Chapter 15: THE EDEN CLUB

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The scene opens up to downtown Detroit at the Eden Club. The Eden business was part of a "special" kind of business for humans to "have fun" with androids. Outside, a car pulls up, and inside is Kara and Alice.

Alice: (looks out the window in disgust) just looking at this makes me sick. You sure this is the place?

Kara: this is the address in the report.

Alice: (sigh) alright, let's get this over with.

The pair left the car and made their way inside. The club contained many male and female androids, many were based off of models from other businesses. But, in the Eden business, they were all designated 'Traci'. The found Detective Collins talking to the manager.

Ben: (notices Alice) Alice. Thought you wanted to end your shift early.

Alice: that was the plan till she found me (gestures to Kara) So, what do we got?

Ben: Michael Graham, time of death around today, half six. Got a busted android and a strangled corpse, no fingerprints. ME and CSI are ready to take the body and evidence in, but someone upstairs figured you and your friend here would want a look at the crime scene first. Oh, I will warn you, Gavin's already in there.

Alice: (sarcasm) awesome. Just what I needed, an asshole investigating another asshole.

The pair enter the room where they find Gavin and Chris observing the crime scene. The victim was laying on the bed, liquor and cigarettes were on a table near by, and a dead Traci Android was on the floor.

Gavin: (looking at the pair) Lieutenant Williams and her plastic pet... The fuck are you two doin' here?

Kara: we've been assigned all cases involving androids.

Gavin: oh yeah? Well, you're wasting your time. (Turns to the victim) Just some pervert who, uh, got more action than he could handle.

Alice: we'll have a look anyway, if you don't mind.

Gavin: (referring to Chris) come on, let's go... (Winks at Alice) but, uh, feel free to call me up sometime, sweetheart. (Shoulder checks Kara and leaves)

Chris: night Lieutenant.

After the two officers leave, the pair began their work. Kara was able to reconstruct the crime scene and find out the man was strangled by an android. One would assume it was the dead Traci, but something wasn't right here.

Kara: (walking down to the android) we're missing something here.

Alice: what do you mean?

Kara: This kind of damage couldn't have been done by a single kick to the chest. And the android would have had to have been sitting on Graham's chest to strangle him. The sheets pinned his legs to the bed, and the angle of the bruises indicates the torso would be out of reach. This android didn't kill him.

Alice: you think there might have been someone else here?

Kara: yes. And most likely it was another android.

Alice: do you think you can read the android's memory?

Kara did an inception on the android. It was badly damaged, but there was a way.

Kara: (began opening the stomach to reveal circuits) The only way to access its' memory is to reactivate it.

Alice: Is that even possible?

Kara: (begins to connect two Thirium tubes together) If I can, it'll only be for a minute, maybe less. I just hope it's long enough to learn something.

Roles Reversed (DETROIT: Become Human AU) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now