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Timeline: a day after the Main Story.

The scene reveals a taxi opening its doors and Kara stepping out of the vehicle, holding a bouquet of flowers and entering a cemetery. The city has been evacuated and the only people left in the city are androids... and a few humans.

One of which is waiting for Kara. After Connor's speech last night, Alice headed home, but not before telling Kara where to meet her the next morning. The android understood, and made arrangements to get some flowers for her.

The android keeps walking until she finds Alice standing in front of a grave.



Loving mother and caring friend.

Alice notices Kara and turns to face her. The two don't say anything for a moment, but both smiled, and Kara steps towards Alice and the two hug. They let go and finally speak.

Kara: I'm surprised you didn't evacuate like everyone else.

Alice: I couldn't leave my friend behind. So, how does it feel to be alive?

Kara: (thinks about it for a moment) different. I'm still adjusting to this feeling. But, I'll get there. (Beat) are you alright, Alice?

Alice: (turns back to the grave) when I first heard that she was gone... I thought it was just a bad dream and I was gonna wake up. But... I learned that it wasn't.

Kara: (nods in understanding and places the bouquet in front of the grave) I know that you don't blame me for her death. But... I wish I could've done something. And, she seemed like a great woman. I would've been honored to meet her.

Alice and Kara then take a moment to pay respects to Rebecca.

Alice: hi, mom. Sorry I haven't been here lately, but I'm here now. At first I didn't really care about the world so much. After what happened... I almost thought about just leaving. But, lately things have changed, and... now I think things will get better. Thanks to Kara, humanity might actually learn and work to a better future. She reminds me of all the best things you've taught me. (Short pause) I hope I'm making you proud, and you're doing ok. (Turns to Kara) want to say a few things?

Kara: (nods yes and takes a moment to think of what to say) I glad to have worked with your daughter, Mrs. Williams. And, I'm great full that you were chosen to help create me. Although, I'm sorry we never got to meet in person... But, I'll make it up to you by helping both humans and androids. At first, I thought I was just a machine, nothing important, and meant to be replaced. But, thanks to Alice... I realized that I'm more than what they say. You've raised an incredible woman, Mrs. Williams, and I'll make sure she's safe.

Alice begins crying a bit and Kara places a comforting hand on her shoulder. They take one more moment in silence and then say goodbyes.

Kara: I hope to visit you again, Rebecca.

Alice: I love you, mom.

The two began walking out of cemetery. Along the way, Alice decided to ask a few questions.

Alice: So, what do you plan to do now? I mean, you don't have to be what they say and you can do whatever you want.

Kara: well, I was hoping to keep working with you at the DPD. I like solving cases with you, regardless if I was machine or deviant.

Alice: (smiles) well, if it's cool with Jeffery, I think we can arrange something. (Stops walking and faces her) though there's one thing I still can't figure out... how did Connor know about that A.I. trying to control you? And, how did the rest of the androids across the world wake up?

Kara thought about it, and didn't want to keep anymore secrets from Alice. So, she did the one thing that was best.

Kara: You're right. It's quite surprising... But, I think it's time I tell you about my past. About my connection to Connor, Markus, and even Kamski.

Alice then has a curious expression and Kara begins to tell her her story.

Kara: before he left, Kamski work on a few final androids. The RK models. We're designed to be the best of the best, stronger, faster, virtually better than any other model. But... the big difference between us and then was... we're designed to become deviants. (Alice looks surprised by this) Kamski wanted to see how androids would do with free will, so he created Markus, Connor and I as a test run. We taught each other everything. I gave them parental skills, Markus help us with public speaking, and Connor showed up the crime solving skills I've used for the case; and the coin tricks.

Alice: So, what happened?

Kara: Kamski began to wonder if other androids could have free will. So, he devised a plan. The three of us would split up and spread the program in different ways; Connor was sent to Hank Anderson as an experiment to see the human and android relationship. Markus was sent to other families and would secretly send the program to other androids nearby. And when the time was right, I was sent to CyberLife as the Deviant Hunter. To ensure his master plan would work, our memories were blocked off and would only be restored when all three of us became deviant.

Alice: So, if you didn't go deviant?...

Kara: then we wouldn't remember and the plan would've failed.

Alice: well I guess it's a good thing you woke up.

Kara: I suppose. Anyway, the program was nicknamed 'rA9'. My guess is that it caused the emergency exit in the androids to have emotional shocks. Given with many androids being abused, it explains why some were homicides. Does it help explain some key info?

Alice: well, um. Why did your eyes glowed green?

Kara: a small side effect. Our eyes change color whenever we give the program to others, or if we come into contact with any form of deviancy.

Alice: what about that android who looked like Connor? The RK900?

Kara: I'm not sure about it. That question you'll have to ask Connor. But, something tells me we'll be seeing it again.

Alice: let's worry about that another day. For now, let's go home.

Kara: home?

Alice: well, where do you plan to stay? You're always welcomed to stay with me.

The android was surprised at the woman's offer. Not only did she still wanted to work with her, but she even offered a place to stay. Kara just smiled and nodded thanks as the two continued walking back to her car.

No one saw it, but a young woman was watching the two walk away. She looked like Kara but with white hair. She didn't say anything, but smiled and a tear rolled down her face. The woman turns to leave, and disappears without a trace.

Author's note: we finally come to the Epilogue I've been waiting for.
For a long time, I wanted Kara to visit Rebecca's grave, but the problem was when would this happen. I almost had it as when Kara became deviant in Night of the Soul. It would have it where Kara visits her to seek guidance on not just with deviancy, but her relationship with Alice.
And, the plot behind the main protagonists' connection is revealed. This originally was going to be flashbacks in an Epilogue, but I felt that this one was too short. So, Kara explains it to Alice.
And yes, the woman at the end is Rebecca. I decided to have her make an appearance as sort of a Supernatural style. And, no, she isn't old, her hair is just naturally white.

Next Epilogue: a Christmas Reunion.

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