Chapter 12: ZLATKO

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The scene opens up on a rainy night where Markus and Simon are walking towards this big house that appears to be damaged. Shortly after escaping the DPD, the two agreed to go to the address Markus was given last night and hope that the people here can help them.

Simon: you sure this is it?

Markus: positive. (Looks down at Simon) listen, we're just gonna check to see if someone here can help, and if it turns out they can't, we'll leave. Ok?

Simon nods his head and the two make there way to the door step. Markus rings the door bell. After waiting a few moments, the door opens, revealing a WR400 android (a Traci). She has brown eyes, a skin tone similar to Markus' but not completely, reddish-brown hair thats tied in a braid and hangs on her left shoulder, and is wearing a simple blue shirt and black jeans.

Markus: does Zlatko live here?

The android steps aside, showing a man with long black hair and a beard.

Zlatko: what do you want?

Markus: I was told you could help us.

Zlatko: sorry, whoever said that was wrong-

Markus: please, we just need some help!

Zlatko: (thinks for a moment, then decides) alright. Come inside.

Markus and Simon walk inside where the house is decorated with taxidermy animals and appears to be filled with other nice decorations.

Zlatko: you can give your coats to North. Don't worry about her, she's perfectly harmless.

The boy give her their coats as she puts them on a hanger. The group walks into the living room where Markus and Simon sit on one couch, Zlatko sits on one across from them, and North stood near the doorway.

Markus: I was told that you could help us.

Zlatko: deviants, huh? Well, you can try looking into Canada. No android laws there, plenty of space, bright skies, warm summers. It's the perfect place for you. But, before you go, there's a tracking system inside you. I can remove it for you.

Markus Thoughts: tracker? My systems would've picked it up if it was still working. Still though, I better get rid of it. But, something about this guy, why am I getting this feeling that he's hiding something. Is it safe for us to just leave now? Well, I better play along just to be safe.

Markus: alright.

The group then walked down to the basement where Simon noticed a pen containing something. It's too dark to see, but something's moving there. They then enter a room that has various equipment. Markus recognizes this as it looks similar to the manufacturing hardware CyberLife uses to build their androids.

Zlatko: please, step on the pad, then we'll begin.

Markus complies, but still has that unsettling feeling in the back of his head. Sure enough, after the android is hooked up to the machine, Zlatko reveals his true colors.

Zlatko: you know, there's no need to remove the tracker. For some reason in deviants, it just, shuts off.

Markus: what?

Zlatko: (chuckle) it's funny. You machines come here, asking for help...So easily  manipulated on a false dream. Well, I like to erase their memories and reprogram them. Or, keep them around, for my experiments.

Markus: (sneering) you bastard! Why?! Why do you do this!? We just need help!

Zlatko: (laughing) it doesn't matter. Soon, you'll be blank, then the real fun begins. But, isn't it sweet; an android who wants to be a dad. Well, it sucks to have a dream like that.

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