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The scene opens up at the DPD interrogation room. After locating Carlos Ortiz's android, they took the deviant back to the station. Alice had tried to get it to talk, but it said nothing. She leaves the room, and goes to the hearing section where Officer Chris Miller, Detective Gavin Reed, and Kara were waiting for her.

Alice: we're not getting anywhere. It hasn't even moved since we brought him in there.

Gavin: we could always try roughing it up? It's not human.

Kara: androids don't feel pain. You would only damage it, and if its stress levels are above 80%, it'll self-destruct and we won't learn anything.

Gavin: alright then smartass. What should we do then?

Kara: I could try questioning it.

Gavin bursts into laughter, causing Alice to give him a pointed look. She turns to Kara and agrees with her.

Alice: go ahead. Suspect's yours.

Kara nodded thanks, exited the room, and went to the other one. Before she began though, the android looked over the case file, did a quick scan on the deviant and found it's LED instability, his model number but no name, cigarette burn marks on his left arm, a dented crack in his right arm, and dried blood on his uniform. Kara knew she couldn't get the stress levels too high, but she needed to get it high enough for it to confess. She decide to begin with the file.

Kara: (opening the folder) you recognize him? It's Carlos Ortiz. Stabbed, 28 times. (Shows the words 'I AM ALIVE') that was written on the wall in his blood. (Closes folder) (Beat) You're damaged. Did your owner do that? Did he beat you?

HK400: ...

Kara: I'm not going to hurt you. I need to ask you some questions.

HK400: ...

Kara: listen, I'm on your side. I'm here to help, but you gotta trust me. All I want is for you to get out of here.

HK400: ...

Kara: (decided she had enough) if you won't talk, I'm going to have to probe your memory.

HK400: (looks up startled) NO! Please, please don't do that! (LED returns to yellow) What... what are they gonna do to me? They're gonna destroy me, aren't they?

Kara: (decides to lie) no. I think they just want to understand what happened. They know your master abused you.

HK400: why did you tell them you found me? Why couldn't you have just left me there?

Kara: I was programmed to hunt deviants like you. I just accomplished my mission.

HK400: I don't want to die.

Kara: then talk to me.

HK400: I-I... I can't.

Kara could've just probed his memory, but that would've instantly brought it's stress level to 100%, causing it to self-destruct. She could pressure it, but it still would've brought it's stress high enough to self-destruct. With one option left, she convinced it.

Kara: (warn) if you don't talk, they're going to tear you apart, and analyze you piece by piece. They're going to destroy you. Do you understand? (Indifference) ok then. Don't talk. What do I care after all? I mean, I'm not the one accused of murder, right? (Protection) confess, and I'll protect you. I promise, I won't let them hurt you.

HK400: (giving in) He tortured me every day. I did whatever ever he told me, but...there was always something wrong. Then one day, he took a bat and started hitting me. For the first time, I felt...scared. Scared he might destroy me, scared I might die. So, I... grabbed a knife and stabbed him in the stomach...I felt better.... So, I stabbed him again and again until he collapsed. There was blood everywhere.

Alice and the others were impressed that Kara was able to get this far, but Kara still wanted more information, so she asked some questions. She asked about the sculpture, rA9, the 'I AM ALIVE' writing on the wall, why it hid in the attic, and what triggered it to become deviant. Once she got enough, the confession was extracted, and when she opened the door, the others came in to take the android to the holding cell.

Gavin: Chris, lock it up.

Chris: (disconnecting the cuffs from the table) alright, let's go.

HK400: leave me alone. Please... please don't touch me.

Gavin: the fuck is this? Get it out of here.

Kara: you shouldn't touch it. It could self-destruct.
Gavin: stay out of this tin-can. No fucking android's gonna tell me what to do.

The deviant struggled more and the stress continued to rise.

Kara: you don't understand. If it self-destructs, we won't get anything out of it.

Gavin: I told you to shut your fucking mouth! Chris move it!

Chris: (trying to get the deviant up) I'm trying.

Kara: I can't let you do that! (Pulls Chris away) Leave it alone. Now!

Gavin: (points gun at Kara) I warned you motherfucker!

Alice: that's enough!

Gavin: mind, your own business, Williams.

Alice: I said (draws her gun on Gavin) that's enough.

Gavin: (looks at Alice then back at Kara, then lowers his gun) Phck! (Points to Alice) you're not gonna get away with it this time. (Gives Kara one last glare and leaves) Phck!

Kara: (kneels down to the deviant) everything's alright. No one's hurting anyone now. (Turns to Chris) please, don't touch it. Let it follow you out of the room. It won't cause any problems.

As the deviant got up to leave, it whispers something to Kara

HK400: the truth is inside.


Author's note: Admittedly, I didn't know that there was a way to get a confession and keep the android alive. Originally, this was supposed to play out where Kara pressures it, gets the confession, but doesn't intervene. I didn't write the rest of the interrogation bit because that would've taken too long, and I pretty much forgot most of it.

Roles Reversed (DETROIT: Become Human AU) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now