Chapter 22: MEET KAMSKI

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The scene takes place the next morning where a car is parked in front of a house while the weather continues to snow. After the fiasco at the tower, Kara and Alice went to talk to Hank Anderson to see if he had any info on Connor. Hank said that until the night Joesph broke in, Connor didn't act strange in anyway. He also said that until the message, he thought Connor died. Kara ask if Connor had been in contact with him, but Hank said he hasn't heard any word from the android. Even though they didn't get anything that could help, Alice was glad to see Hank again.

After thinking about it, Alice decided that they should consult an expert on androids to see if they know something. And who better of an expert than the man who invented them? (She also changes shirts so now underneath her coat is a purple flannel patterned shirt)

Alice is currently on the phone with one of her coworkers who was informing her of the events last night. Kara notices the expressions on the woman's face and decides to exit the car and see what the problem was.

Kara: is everything alright, Lieutenant?

Alice: (just getting off the phone) Chris was on patrol last night. He was attacked by a bunch of deviants... said he was saved by Connor himself.

Kara: is Chris ok?

Alice: Yeah. He's in shock, but... he's alive. (Begins walking to the house)

Kara: (following behind) Kamski left CyberLife ten years ago. Why did you wanna meet him?

Alice: This guy created the first android to pass the Turing test. And he's the founder of CyberLife. If anybody can tell us about deviants, it's him.

Alice then rings the doorbell and waits for a few moments. She's about to ring again when the door opens up and a Chloe android opens the door.

Alice: hi. I'm Lieutenant Alice Williams. Detroit Police Department. I'm here to see Mr. Elijah Kamski.

Chloe: (smile) please, come in.

Alice: (returns smile) thank you.

The duo step inside as Chloe steps aside.

Chloe: I'll let Elijah know you're here. But, please, make yourselves comfortable.

The android leaves to another room and Kara and Alice sit down and began waiting. Kara is patient, until something catches her eye; it was a picture of a younger Kamski and a woman named Amanda Stern.

Kara's Thoughts: Amanda. But... she died years ago. This doesn't make since, why would my handler be someone only Kamski be connected too?

Alice: Kara. (Kara blinks and turns to face her) You ok? You zoned out again.

Kara: again?

Alice: Yeah, you've been doing that a lot lately. Everything alright in your head?

Kara: (sincere) yes. I'm fine.

Alice: (looking around) nice place. Guess androids haven't been a bad thing for everybody. (Beat) So, you're about to meet the man who created you, Kara. How does it feel?

Kara: I don't know. I'll let you know when I see him.

Alice: Sometimes I wish I could see the man who created me face to face. I'd have a couple of things I'd wanna tell him.

Kara could tell that Alice was talking about her dad. But, based off of the way she said that sentence, it seems that they didn't have the nicest daughter/father relationship. The door then opened and the android returned.

Chloe: Elijah will see you now.

The duo then got up from the chairs and followed the android. They enter in a room that has a swimming pool with red tile to make it look like the water is red. The room also has large windows that give a great view of the CyberLife Tower (if it wasn't foggy and snowy).

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