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The scene opens up at Leo's house on a rainy night. Leo was sleeping on the couch while Simon was sitting near the dinner table. Markus has prepared Spaghetti for dinner, and was going to wake Leo up.

Markus: wake up, Leo

Leo gets up startled, but this quickly changes to anger.
Leo: (sneering at Markus) What do you want you asshole?

Markus: dinner is ready.

Leo then calms down, and walks to the dinner table. The android served the food and poured water in their cups. He then stood by and waited for instructions. But, all of the sudden, Leo starts breathing heavy and he begins to look at Simon angry.

Leo: what's the matter? Not the best life you'd thought it'd be? You think it's easy? You think it's my fault we live in this shit hole! Why you're fucking mother's dead! (Simon slowly gets up from his chair and starts to back away) 'You should stop taking drugs, Leo. Sometimes you really scare me, Leo.' Fucking whore decided to die on me! That even caused your grandfather to FUCKING DISOWN ME! (Stands up and throws the table aside, breaths heavy, and starts walking towards Simon) It's your fault.

Simon: Dad, no.

Leo: it's all your fucking fault! (Raises a hand and smacks Simon, causing him to cry out in pain)

Markus couldn't explain it, but the sight of Simon getting hurt, it causes... an instability in his systems. It's similar to an emotion humans refer to as... anger. He does a quick scan on Leo, and finds traces of Red Ice in his system. He then sees Simon running upstairs to his room.

Leo: get back here. Get back here right now!

Markus moves to go comfort Simon, but stops when Leo gives him an order.

Leo: (points to Markus) you stay there. Do you dare fucking move, or I'll bust you worst than last time. (Walks over to the couch)

When Leo said those words, it caused a back lash in Markus' memory system. He remembers that they played this out before, and Leo tore him apart when he stood up to him. All the anger he felt when Leo abused his son, all the damage he caused to him to have his memory wiped. This causes his LED to start blinking a deep, crimson blood red.

Then... time seemed to have suddenly stop.

A big red wall pops up, with the words 'DON'T MOVE' on there. It's blocking Markus, and he doesn't like it. He places his hands on the wall and it starts to break. He keeps pushing it until it finally breaks, and he suddenly feels this new-found determination. A determination to protect Simon.

When Leo wasn't looking, Markus quickly goes to Leo's room, and finds the gun he found earlier. He sees Leo walking up the stairs and down the hall.

Leo: Simon. Dad's angry. You need to be taught a lesson.

Simon: (panicked) no, dad! Don't hurt me, please.

Markus opens the door and find that Leo's about to punch Simon.

Markus: (points the gun at Leo) that's enough!

Leo: (turns around and looks at Markus) what the hell are you doing? Put down the gun, and get the hell out of here. THAT'S AN ORDER!

Markus: no! I want you to leave him alone.

Leo: you want? (Steps towards Markus) you're a machine, and you do as I say! You're broken, (knocks gun away) so we need to fix that!

The two then began to fight. Leo at first had the upper hand and was winning the fight, he even damage Markus' right eye. But things took a turn. Markus all the sudden started to pre-construct multiple ways to win the fight, a function only an RK model was programmed with. Markus then used this setting and the Red Ice in Leo's system to his advantage. The two continue to fight, until Markus slammed Leo to the wall and grabbed his neck and the gun. He was about to pull the trigger, but the look of fear on Simon's face convinced Markus to smack Leo with the handle of the gun, knocking the man out cold.

Markus then grabbed Simon's hand and the two ran out of the house. A bus was passing through, and Markus quickly got Simon inside. He took one last look at the house to make sure Leo wasn't following, and hoped inside. The bus then drives to the city, leaving the house behind. Markus takes a few moments to send an anonymous tip that Leo was doing child abuse and Red Ice to ensure that Leo doesn't get away with his ways.

Simon doesn't say anything, but places a hand on Markus' hand. He leans his head on the android's shoulder, and drifts asleep. Markus doesn't know what the future holds, but Simon was safe, and that's all that matters.

Author's note: Markus and Simon now begin their path. I didn't kill Leo for two reasons; 1, he's better than Todd. And 2, I have plans for him later.
Next chapter: Connor becomes deviant.

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