Chapter 11

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"So, how did your parents find out that you wanted to wrestle if they didn't want this life for you?" he asked when I told him about it.

"Since I could walk I was in gymnastics and ballet to keep me busy. I used to come to the shows with my dad, a few a year because mom didn't want me around it too much. In middle school I used to wrestle with some of the boys since they knew who my dad was. They figured it was the only way to get their hands on a girl and I whooped their ass before they could get their hands anywhere on me. In high school I joined an underground wrestling club." I told him.

"I have a bad feeling about this." he chuckled.

"Yeah, you should, I fell wrong doing a stunt and broke my leg. They had to call my mom since I was still a minor and she had to go to the hospital to deal with all of that. My parents were already divorced by this time, but she called dad in and had him fly out before she started to yell at me in the hospital. That's when I told them that I wanted to wrestle."

"What happened after that?" he asked, amusement on his face.

"My mom said no, prohibited it to me. Then she didn't talk to me for a few weeks, as in living in the same house but she wasn't speaking to me. As soon as I turned 18 I went to the training center in Florida and started training, she couldn't stop me. Dad warmed up to the idea in degrees but my mom still isn't over it. What about you? How did you tell your family?"

"I was very dedicated to football, I wanted to play in the NFL but I wasn't good enough. I wasn't cut out for a professional career. There was something lacking in me that no matter how much I practiced and trained I just couldn't master. My dad and I spoke about it one night, really spoke about it."

"I've heard good things about your father. I think I might've met him when I was younger but I don't really remember."

"He's amazing, we talked about life after leukemia, my frustrations with my career, my two stints at NFL camp and just how I wasn't feeling it. Then again, the NFL wasn't feeling me either, it happens all of the time."

"It sucks, wanting to do something so badly and not being able to do it." I said, seeing more to the man than just the hotness.

"Yeah it does, that's when I told him that I wanna be a part of the family legacy. I wanted to make him proud, always have. He told me that he would be proud of me no matter what I did so I signed with the WWE and here I am a few years later. Everyone was supportive of my career from the beginning, the men in my family were extra hard on me while training. I loved every agonizing minute of it." he said with the biggest, most honest smile on his face.

"Do you do this all of the time?" I asked him, bringing the topic back to the present.

"Do what?"

"Save drunk girls at the bar?"

"You weren't drunk, and no, not really." he chuckled.

"Then why did you save me from tomorrow's hangover headache?"

"I wanted to, I like you." he said, sitting on a bench in the middle of the garden and tugging me down.

"You're looking at me funny." I countered.

"I'm just looking at you. You're very beautiful, you know that?"

The way he said it made the blush begin to creep up my neck and the dimples pop out. I've had other men tell me that I'm beautiful before but there's something about Anoa'i. Something about the way he talks to me and just the way that he looks at me. I don't know what it is, maybe it's the way that he looks me in the eyes, not at my body and there's something really amazing about that.

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