Chapter 52

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I spent two weeks, yes they made me stay two, in a wrestler's version of purgatory and heaven. I ate pure deliciousness for two weeks straight and for the purgatory part, I ate pure deliciousness for two weeks straight. There's no way in hell that I want to step on a scale but just by looking at my stomach I knew that I had to hit the gym soon.

Le was stuck in the hospital with Jo, she had complications after her surgery. She's still in the hospital and I have to go there today for a checkup and to set up the first rehab appointment. I just want to go and visit my mariposita and my man. Video chats, phone calls, and text messages aren't doing it for me.

"Sweetpea, are you sure you want to do this alone?" my aunt Bea asked as I got ready for the appointment.

"Titi, I'll be fine. I haven't moved more than a finger in two weeks, I went with Lucas to get the car and drove back. I'm going to the doctors today and then I'm going back to my apartment. I appreciate you taking care of me and making me fat but I've gotta start rehab so I can get back in the ring."

"Pumpkin, don't you think that . . ."

"Don't start with the girl, Beatrice." aunt Hannah said from her seat.

"Both of you have to get back to work. You've been home with me for these two weeks and that's not fair to either of you."

"I did it happily." aunt Bea said.

"I can work from home so I don't know what you're talking about." aunt Hannah said.

"I've disrupted your routines, everyone has to get back to their normal lives now." I said.

"You've got two out of your fourteen weeks done. What are you going to do for the next 12-14 weeks kid?" Hannah asked.

"Rehab, hit the gym, go back to the gym, the gallery and the company offices, then back to the gym. I've got a lot to get done, especially now that Anna's gone on her honeymoon. This really was a blessing in disguise, I'm really mad that I was in a cast for her wedding though."

"You still looked beautiful." Bea said.

"I did my best. I'm leaving now you two, no more stalling." I said, laughing.

"Alright, take care sweetie. Don't forget to check in with me and be careful." she insisted.

"I won't and I will, bendición titi." (Blessings)

"Dios te cuide, pumpkin." (God bless you)

It felt good to drive alone in my car for a little bit, I love my family but I did not get a second alone while I was staying at my aunts. The only time I was alone was two days ago when I drove my car from my apartment here and whenever I went to the bathroom.

I didn't tell Le that I was coming, I wanted to surprise him and Joelle. Parking was easy to find and I made a quick pit stop in the gift shop, bought like 4 teddy bears because I couldn't decide on just one. The lady at the nurse's desk gave me the room number and I went there first.

My appointment isn't for another hour but I wanted to spend some time with them. These two weeks have been hell and seeing their faces over my camera made it a lot better. I hate having to be so damn immobile, it's not something that I'm good at but I've gotten a lot of work done.

"Daddy, I wanna go home." I heard Jo complain.

"Baby girl, the doctor said that if everything is okay you can go home tomorrow or the day after, at the most."

"But I wanna go home today. I've been here forever."

"Two weeks isn't forever Joelle."

"Can we call Ria? "

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