Chapter 60

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"You heard me, had I walked in two minutes later what would I have seen? What would you have done?"

"Listen to what you're saying, listen to what you're asking me and then ask yourself where this conversation went wrong. I'm leaving." I told him, curiously calm about the fact that he implied that I would've done something with Fergal.

"Arianna . . ."

"No, I'm literally done with this conversation. I'm done with today already and it's just starting." I said, grabbing my bag and walking away.

I don't know where I'm going but I know that I'm leaving this room. If it weren't for the fact that Raw is obligatory tonight I would leave. We should've been out having fun in the French Quarter, but no, this is what I have to deal with.

"Ari, what are you doing down here?" Trinity asked me.

My mindless wandering found me by the pool. I had changed in the bathroom and was lounging back looking at all of Le's twitter hate and my twitter love/hate.

"Hi, what are you doing down here?" I replied.

"I was gonna hop into the pool. Why is your bag here?"

"Because I grabbed it from the room when I left."

"Why did you leave?"

"Because we had a fight."

"Why did you fight?"

"Because he's an ass."

"What happened now?"

"Why are you asking me so many questions, Trinity?" I asked her.

"You don't look too happy."

"I'm not very happy, I do want to relax before tonight so join me if you will but get out of my sun. I'm trying to get a tan."

"Okay, let's get a tan." she said.

Trinity is predictable; she's already texted Jimmy, who's probably already spoken to his cousin, he'll then tell her what's going on and she's gonna ask me about it in an effort to keep me here a little longer. It's sad how predictable it is, so I'm gonna change the outcome of this.

"You wanna tell me what happened?" she asked 10 minutes after she found me.

"Nothing to talk about."


"There's nothing to say. He got his ass handed to him the way I knew he would and then accused me of possibly cheating on him with Finn. That's what's happening right now so I don't want to be around him. As a matter of fact, I'm heading out." I told her, getting up and grabbing my things.

"Where to? Wait, I can go with you . . . just let me . . ."

"No thanks, I really just want to be alone but thanks for the offer."

"Ari, wait . . ."

"I'll see you later!" I told her, walking away quickly.

I called my dad and asked him if I could shower in his room. He was skeptical about it but let me get ready there. He did his best to keep the questions to himself and I appreciate that very much.

The decision was made to walk around for a while so I pulled on a pair of high waisted, distressed jean shorts, a black crop top, red plaid long sleeve shirt and black converse. Once I left the hotel my phone started buzzing and I ignored it. I ignored every call that came in for the next two hours.

There were fans everywhere and I walked around with no disguise at all so I took a boatload of pictures with fans. It helped me to get my head off of things and decide what I'm gonna do next. I've had a crazy couple of months and I haven't been able to dedicate any time to my businesses, I think it's time that I do so.

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