Chapter 26

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I walked away and looked back at him, trying to get a read on him but I can't. While I showered I was thinking about what he said, about letting him in. It doesn't seem like much but for me it's a big step.

It's hard for me and I'm not sure how to get over that step. I'm not over it and that's disappointing. There's nothing more that I want than to be over all of the damage that he did to me. There is so much more to all of this than I realized and I now realize that I've just been ignoring it because I didn't want to confront it.

Pushing it all away is something that I'm good at, I've been doing it for a long time now. I grew so accustomed to it that it's like breathing and now I have to work my way through it.

"Are you okay in there?" he asked through the door.

"Yes, why?"

"You've been in there for 30 minutes, I don't want you to drown in the shower."

"30 minutes? I was just . . . I'll be out in a minute." I told him.

I hopped out of the shower quickly after and just pulled on a gray sports bra with a pair of black WWE sweatpants. I left my hair loose and put some body splash on before leaving the bathroom, making sure that I looked good but not like I tried very hard.

"God you even smell good." he said, bending over to sniff my neck.

"I know they call you the "big dog" but don't ever do that again." I chuckled, pushing him away.

"I can't help it, you smell really good and now my room smells really good. I didn't order anything because I don't know what you want."

"Fruit salad with sweetened condensed milk." I said, smiling at the weird look on his face.

"That's not the healthiest thing in the world, sounds kinda nasty, to be honest."

"What is it with you and the healthy food? Anyway, it was an accident that I just so happened to like." I told him, sneering at the nasty comment.

"How the hell was that an accident?" he chuckled, sitting on the bed.

"I was in the kitchen with my little sister and my stepmom. I forgot what they were doing but I was cutting fruit for my regular healthy salad. Guiliana, my sister, was moving by me with a can of condensed milk for a dessert! She was making a dessert for a school thing and some of it fell in my bowl. Mom, she started scolding her but I tasted it and it was pretty good. The three of us ended up eating the fruit salad a few hours later." I told him, smiling.

"You really get along with your stepmom, don't you?"

"Yeah, sometimes better than I do with my own mother."


"That's a long conversation for another day, Anoa'i."

"Okay, well then you order room service and I'll go take a shower."

"Sounds like a deal, now, what do you want to eat?"

After I ordered room service I grabbed my bag and connected my computer to the big TV in the room. It was a little weird, I won't lie, to be sharing a space with a man again. It's been quite some time for me and I don't want to make things awkward.

I mean, I like the guy and he's made it more than clear that he likes me. We have this insanely strong connection from the beginning which was only a month ago, although I can admit that he's been lowkey flirting with me for years. I don't want my insecurities to mess this up, I have a feeling that this can go very well for both of us.

"Stop overthinking." I heard, making me jump around.

"What?" I asked, feeling my heart go nuts again.

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