Chapter 12

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The blasting sunlight woke me up earlier than I planned and I cursed myself for leaving the curtains open again. By the time I hit the gym, ate and showered it was 10:30 am and my flight doesn't leave until 2. I've got some time but I'm just gonna leave because I've gotta give back the rental.

It took me about 20 minutes to get all of my things, so I grabbed my bags when I was done, checked out and made my way to the garage. My outfit for the day was a short jean jumper with a white crop top and white Vans. They're my go-to shoes for pretty much every occasion.

 They're my go-to shoes for pretty much every occasion

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I gritted my teeth and kept walking, trying not to run but to reach my car and get the hell out of here. The footsteps were getting closer, meaning that he was running to catch up to me. My car was within a few blissful steps before he grabbed my arm, twisting me around.

"Do not touch me." I growled.

"Hey! I was calling you. We need to talk about that tantrum that you threw in Stephanie's office."

"I don't care Jason, now let go of me. That wasn't a tantrum, that was a bonafide promise, I don't like you and I don't like this situation. I already warned you what would happen so do not make me act on it right here because I will hurt you. Let go and don't ever touch me again."

"Not until we talk about this." he said, tightening his grip on my arm.

"Let go of me now!" I growled, balling my fingers into a fist.

"We have to . . ."

"I think she told you to let go and never touch her again." Anoa'i said out of nowhere.

"This has nothing to do with you Joe, mind your own business. This is a family matter." Jason replied, making me laugh, a dry laugh but a laugh nonetheless.

"Family matter? Jason, you need to get off of your high horse honey. You are no family of mine so do not ever use those two words in a sentence that includes me ever again unless you really want to have your ass handed to you by a woman. Just because the stupid story got the green light does not mean that you're a part of our family. That's only in your little boy dreams but it's never gonna happen. Let go!"

With a sigh he removed his hand from my arm but didn't leave.

"What are you still doing here?" Anoa'i asked.

"We have to talk." Jason insisted.

"No we do not. I already told them that I'll play along, just for the sake of my career. I have nothing to say to you or to my father, nothing at all. Now I would advise you to do your best to steer clear of me unless absolutely necessary because if you don't, it won't be pretty." I told him.

Anoa'i grabbed my bag and put his hand on the small of my back to lead me the last steps to my car. I pointed my rental out and popped the trunk so that he could put my bags inside.

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