Chapter 23

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At around 5 am I started to pack the bag that I would need for the week and managed to finally fall asleep after the sun came up. I slept for a few hours before Lucas came to take me to the airport.

I couldn't help but be anxious at the airport, my head swerving from side to side every time I saw someone who even remotely looked like him. Thankfully, my flight was short but I traveled alone and it didn't really help. My anxiety is acting up and I can't help it. As soon as the plane hit the tarmac and we got regular signal again the first thing I noticed were the messages from Anoa'i.

L.A: Just landed, I'm gonna grab something to eat and wait for you.

L.A: I found your gate, I know that you aren't seeing any of these messages but I'll be here as soon as you get out.

L.A: I just got a message from your father to watch out for you, is everything okay? I'm here waiting for you.

It made me smile and it made feel safe, knowing that he was there waiting for me. Knowing that he's gonna be there as soon as I get off the plane makes me feel extremely safe. The anxiety is dwindling but it's still there.

As soon as I started to get off of the plane the anxiety started to go away a little more and I know why that is. I'm getting closer to being with him, getting closer to my safety net. He saw me before I saw him, I could see the cell phones taking photos but I didn't care. When I saw him I didn't run, we're not there yet but I did start to walk faster.

I think . . . he must've realized that something was wrong because he wrapped his arms tightly around me and kissed my head. Taking my bag out of my hand, he grabbed his as well and wrapped his now vacant arm around me. I knew he could feel the tension in my muscles but I couldn't help it.

"You plan on telling me what's going on? Why did your dad send me that cryptic message?" He asked me.

"I received some . . . threatening messages from Trevor." I told him, pulling the screenshot up.

"What the hell is this?" he asked angrily, looking at my phone.

"Trevor sent them last night, after I hung up with you."

"Arianna, why didn't you let me know last night?"

"It scared me last night and at first I honestly didn't want to get you involved but my dad told me that I should tell you. Not only because it's a threat to you but because of what is happening between us. I have to tell Finn too, I don't want anything to happen to anyone because of me."

"That's why your dad texted me before you landed. Has he tried to contact you any other way?" he angrily asked.

"No, I blocked him from all of my social media accounts and I haven't heard anything. He hasn't tried using other numbers. I could've checked his Twitter but I blocked him there too. I want to be done with Ricochet."

"You will be if I have anything to say about it."

"Dad said he was gonna talk to the "Authority" about this and I'll leave him to do it." I chuckled, trying to lighten the situation a little.

"This isn't funny, what did they say?"

"I don't know, I still haven't spoken to him or them. He said he was gonna fly out today instead of tomorrow to make sure that this is handled. I texted him before I left and when we landed."

"Come on, let's go get the cars."

While I drove to the hotel I was thinking about whatever this is with Anoa'i. I mean, we've known each other for years. I'm attracted to the guy and he's attracted to me, we like each other. I've been single for almost a year, he's been single for just over a year but he has a good relationship with Joelle and Galina.

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