Chapter 50

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The first thing I heard, even before I opened my eyes, was the beeping. I know it's cardiac monitoring but for a moment I didn't know why I was in the hospital. When I finally opened my eyes, I was in a dimly lit room and the TV was on. RAW was on and of course, I caught my attack and the commentary on it.

"Good evening, as you all probably heard if you're on the WWE website or social media accounts and saw the footage we just aired, Camilla Blaze was attacked earlier this afternoon and had to be escorted out, directly to the hospital to assess the damage." Corey Graves said.

"The video you just saw is of the vicious and brutal attack on our own Camilla Blaze by some of the NXT roster." Michael said.

"They were relentless in their attacks and claimed it was a message from the very own Ricochet, who as you all know was sentenced to 15 months in prison after submitting a guilty plea to a variety of domestic violence charges against Blaze." Byron added.

"This was a cowardly act, from Ricochet just as much as the NXT team. Camilla was rushed to the hospital and we'll have more information on her condition later on but all we can say is that she isn't doing good. Our thoughts and prayers go out to our girl for a quick recuperation." Corey Graves said.

"Well, that looks just as bad as it feels." I groaned.

"You're awake!" I heard, making me whip my head to the side and immediately regretting it.

"Mom, oh that hurt! What are you doing here? Where are the kids?" I asked my dad's wife.

"With my parents, I was gonna surprise you since I haven't seen you in so long. Consider me surprised, highly worried and extremely pissed when I heard your father yelling from the other side of the arena. How dare that man do something like this! If he weren't already in jail I would love to get my hands around his neck." she said.

"Seems to be the consensus when . . . ow, why does everything hurt?" I groaned, trying to move around.

"Don't . . . stop moving! I'm gonna go call your dad." Gia said.

"How mad is he? Can I have some water?"

"Of course you can and your father is livid. He can't believe that Trevor was capable of doing this and yes, he's mad at you for not telling him immediately." she said, holding the straw for me.

"I was gonna tell him today so that I could show him the letter."

"And . . ." she prompted.

"And I'm a coward, I didn't want to hear him yelling and shouting at me over the phone last night."

"At you? Why would he . . . Arianna Angle, this is not your fault." she scolded.

"Yes it is, all of this is my fault mom. I did this to . . ."

"Don't finish that sentence." my dad growled.

"I'm gonna go get the doctor." mom muttered, before leaving the room.

"Dad, I . . . agh . . . damn it." I cursed, trying to sit up and feeling a sharp pain in my abdomen.

"Hey, hey, hey, lay down. You've got a few broken ribs, lay back down." he said, running over to me and pushing me down.

"You don't understand, this situation is all my fault." I argued.

"Okay, calm down, how is this your fault?"

"I did this to me and everyone around me. I could've said something earlier, gotten out earlier instead of waiting as long as I did or just not have said anything at all."

"No, you did the right thing by saying something. He has to pay for what he did to you and now he can't hurt anyone else."

"Just me . . . there's always that bright nugget though. I was too weak to do anything about it on time but at least he won't hurt anyone else." I muttered.

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