Chapter 29

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He flipped us over quickly and moved his lips from mine down to my shoulder, nipping at it suddenly. I felt it all the way to my toes.

"Too many clothes on." he muttered against my neck, his breathing hard.

"Take them off then." I replied in the same frenzied tone.

He turned to look at me and there was this feral, just agonizingly sexy look in his eyes.

 He made quick work of my shirt and pajama shorts, all the while not taking his hands off of me

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 He made quick work of my shirt and pajama shorts, all the while not taking his hands off of me. Little touches, drags of his fingers that lit up every nerve in my body. I moved my hand to the base of his neck and tangled my fingers in his hair, tugging on it to bring his lips back to mine.

The growl that left his mouth when I tugged on his hair fed directly to my ego. He feasted on my body little by little and it was exquisite agony. I still had my sports bra and cheeky lace panties, that he apparently liked very much, on. His hands were everywhere except where I really wanted them and he knew it, he knew what he was doing to me and he enjoyed it.

With a little maneuvering, I got him to turn over so that I was straddling his waist again. Now it's my turn to play. I pressed my lips to his, moving slowly down his neck, shoulders, chest, and waist until I reached the top of his shorts. I looked up from my perch and got caught in that hungry look in his eyes.

All I had to do was put my hands on his waist and he lifted his hips so that I could lower his shorts and in one go I pulled his underwear as well. Le was more than ready and so was I, with my eyes on his I took part of his length into my mouth. His groan continued to feed my ego, making my inner Wonder Woman flair up with pride. 

He tangled his hand in my hair while I moved my mouth over his length, enjoying it as much as he was

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He tangled his hand in my hair while I moved my mouth over his length, enjoying it as much as he was. His hips moved of their own accord and I could sense that he was struggling to hold himself back, allowing me to set the tone. With a tug on my hair he pulled me up and I just looked at him with a smile.

"You okay?" I asked him with the smuggest smile ever developing at his heavy breathing.

"More than, but now it's my turn." he said turning us over again.

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