Chapter 53

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This was going to be an interesting match; it's tables, ladders, and chairs. As soon as we walked out of the door for our entrance the crowd went wild. I could only focus on the ring, I know for a fact that this is gonna be difficult but it's gonna be fun.

We took our sweet time to get to the ring; Colby and Jonathan were in front of us, Le was holding my hand and keeping wandering hands away. Maryse is good, she looked shocked to see me then very angry. I smiled and waved at her before giving Le a quick kiss. The crowd was extremely loud, shouting "welcome back".

The match got very bad very quickly. Everything possible was pulled out in the first five minutes, chairs and tables everywhere. Just for fun I pulled one out on the side of the ring and hit Maryse with a Blazing Dreams on the table for all of her interferings. Colby and Le were out on the side, Cesaro and Sheamus were out with them and when the Miz tried to go in for the pin I had to stop it. I was checking on the guys but I had to run and interfere myself.

I ran to his side of the ring, grabbed his foot and pulled with all of my might. He turned around and glared, moving towards me but the distraction gave Jonathan a chance to hit him with a Dirty Deeds and win the match. I was a little winded after the Blazing Dreams on the table and a few other things that happened between us but I ran into the ring to celebrate with my boys.

Cesaro, Sheamus, The Miz, and Maryse rolled and shoved their way up the ramp while the three of us got into the ring. It feels good to be here again, returning from injury for the second time in a matter of months. I wrapped my arms around Le's neck and hopped onto his waist, his hands automatically gripped my ass. The crowd was going wild so I planted a kiss on Le and got down. He pointed to his back so as soon as we got out of the ring he picked me up piggyback.

At the top of the ramp, the three of them stopped to do their Shield-brother fist bump, waiting for me to do it too - to the roar of our amazing crowd tonight. They weren't the main event so there's a lot more to see tonight and a lot more shit-talking to witness.

"You look amazing." Le whispered in my ear.

We were watching the show backstage and I was just sitting on his lap.

"Thank you, I thought you might enjoy this one. It was designed with you in mind." I replied.

"I can't wait to take it off tonight." he growled, nipping my shoulder.

"It's been four long months so, neither can I."

"This night needs to be over." he mumbled.

"Behave, how was Jojo when you left her?"

"Mad that I wouldn't bring her with me but she's got school. When the next show goes to Florida or somewhere close then I'll bring her with me but I won't interrupt her school time."

"That's good, you made the right choice. How's Galina doing with your decision to go for full custody?"

"I think she's gonna fight it." he said, sighing.

"Why would she fight it? It's not like she really wants to spend time with her daughter. Joelle's told us that when she's with her mom she's with the sitter most of the time anyway. She barely spends time with Galina."

"For the money babe, if I get full custody of Jojo her alimony goes down."

"Would you still have to pay her alimony if you get full custody? Even with all of my dad's marriages, I don't know the answer to that because he had kids with his two ex-wives."

"That depends on the courts because Galina has a job."

"What does your lawyer say?"

"There's a possibility that I won't have to pay alimony but her attorneys gonna do his best to make me keep paying."

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