Chapter 18

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"Right, dinner reservations." I chuckled, thankful for his restraint.

"Let me help you with your coat, it's getting windy."

"Now I wish that I had left my hair loose, that way I would have had to . . ."

"Maybe next time I can pull it for you." he said.

The double entendre was laid out for the taking in such a manner that at first, I was shocked, but not too shocked to not have an answer for him. Granted it wasn't my best comeback

"You're so sure there's gonna be a next time big dog? Or the chance to do anything with it?"

"I can only hope for one, I'll be on my best behaviour." he replied with that sexy smirk.

With his hand on the small of my back, we walked out of the apartment. I dropped my keys in my small white clutch and let him lead me downstairs. He stopped in front of a 2018 Dodge Charger in midnight grey that was a thing of beauty. As a proper gentleman should he opened my door for me before running over to the driver's side.

"Are you going to tell me where we're going?" I asked.

"You'll find out soon enough."

Conversation was light as he drove me through Orlando much like the night at the hotel. He really is a sweetheart, a good guy.

"How do you get around Orlando? I know you didn't drive here from Pensacola."

"I have a car here, brand new one too. I've got a car per residence that way I don't have to drive the six hours. I'm too lazy to do that, I'd rather take the 30-minute flight."

"I don't blame you, so what other business ventures do you have?"

"Why are you so interested?"

"I already told you I'm interested in you, I want to get to know more."

"Okay, I'll give you one of the two."


"A girl's gotta keep busy."

"Okay, shoot."

"I own an art gallery in Pensacola, one in Orlando and I'm working on a third in New York."

"Really? That's amazing, what's the name?"

"Visage d'ange."

"French too?"

"Yes, a few more as well but mainly Spanish and French." I said.

"What does that mean?" he asked, manfully holding back the groan.

"Angel face, I . . . I lost a baby when I was with Ricochet. We had already gotten the 3D sonogram and my grandma said that she had the face of an angel. There was a car crash and well the rest just happened. My grandma passed away the week after."

"I'm so sorry."

"Thank you but you don't have to be. That was the start of the catalyst that lead to me breaking up with him. He wasn't there for me, didn't know how to be or just didn't want to be. Then I found out he was cheating and I know that I deserve better."

"That you do, absolutely." he said as he started to slow the car down and I realized where we were.

"Holy shit! I forgot that tonight was . . . how did you get reservations here?" I asked in shock, staring at my favorite restaurant of the west coast.

"I know someone." he replied with a smile.

Mélisse is a French restaurant that specializes in seafood, amazing, mouth-watering seafood. It's reservation only and you basically have to give a liver to get one. This one just opened yesterday in Florida, the only one on the east coast.

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