Chapter 19

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He escorted me inside, stood by the kitchen counter as I put my jacket in the closet and laid his over the back of one of the armchairs at his insistence. I sat on the arm of the seat to pull my shoes off when he interrupted me.

"Don't take them off just yet." he said.

"Okay . . . why?" I asked, putting my foot back slowly.

"There's something very sexy about a woman in heels and you're killing the shoe game."

"Thank you, they're a particular obsession of mine. I do my best work in heels, Anoa'i." I replied.

"I realized that when you took Maryse down in those boots. That was sexy as hell."

"Those are my favorite, I've been wearing them for years. I could do just about anything in heels." I told him as I poured the two glasses.

"They look very painful but the wonders they do to your legs." he said, eyeing me again.

"With everything I put my body through on a daily at work, a pair of heels aren't gonna tear me down." I said, walking out to the balcony.

"This view is amazing."

"It really is, it's part of the reason I bought in this building."

"It's pretty but that's not what I meant."

"You keep making me blush." I told him, looking out at the view.

"Okay, now I'm really curious. You've got a condo and a mega mansion according to Jimmy, two cars, one brand new all on the salary of a female superstar, so art galleries and what else? What is the big secret?"

"Why are you so nosy?" I asked, sitting on the lounger.

"I already told you, I want to know more about you." he replied, sitting on the chair next to me.

"Okay, I'm the owner of a construction company."

"No way."

"My mom used to tell me that when I was younger I would build and tear down and build again all day with Legos. I decided to turn it into a business and it's worked out pretty good over the past three years."

"Damn, you're something else girl."

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

"Definitely a good thing."

"Tell me more about Joelle."

We spent another two hours talking on the balcony until it was a little too chilly to be outside and he said that he should be leaving. At this point I was barefoot and at my 5'7" again, still tiny in comparison to the 6 foot something God standing next to me.

I turned around to say something but the words caught in my throat as his lips pressed to mine in a scorching hot kiss. One of his hands was behind my head resting on my neck, the other wound its way around my waist to pull me in and up to his height. For a second I was paralyzed but I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck and let the fire burn me.

With an impatient nip on my bottom lip, he was rewarded with the entrance he wanted, tongue sliding along mine in a sexy tango. My right hand fisted his shirt while he fisted the part of my dress at my waist. I won't say I wasn't tempted to follow up right there but it's not the time for it.

With the last nip to his bottom lip myself, I pulled away. For good measure, I pecked him softly on the lips but moved away before he could pull me in again.

"I won't push you, I'm more than content to just take you on dates for now." he said, giving me that same hungry look from before.

"Thank you for that. See you on Monday?"

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