Chapter 27

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"Don't you dare . . ." Jimmy started.

"No! I was ashamed of myself for letting things get that far and not doing anything. I let it happen once and then I continued to let it happen. I believed him when he said he was sorry and that it wouldn't happen again. I didn't want anyone to know, especially not my father."

"You have to tell him." Jimmy said.

"I know, I will but on my time. I just, I'm disappointed in myself, okay and I need him to stay away from me. Trevor scared the hell out of me, I never thought he would be capable of these sort of things."

"Joe . . ." Jimmy said.

"Had I known when all of this went down I'd be in jail for murder." he growled.

"Another reason I didn't want anyone to know. Like I told Leati, I don't want Trevor's life on my conscience. He's just not worth it."

"Damn it, you should've told us before." Trinity argued.

"But she told us now and we're here for her." April said.

"He's going away . . . I have to tell my dad and Paul and they're gonna freak the fuck out."

"That they will, they should still be here. You might as well get it over with tonight." Jimmy said.

"Will you guys go with me?"

"Always boo." Trinity said.

On that note, I texted my dad who just so happened to be with Paul and told them to meet me here. I need a public place so that they don't explode and go bat shit nuts on me. They walked in cautiously since I told dad that I needed to speak to him and to bring Paul with him.

"Hey baby girl, what's up?" my dad asked, kissing my head before pulling up a chair along with Paul.

"There's something that I need to tell you, both of you since you witnessed what happened today."

"What is it Ari?" Paul asked.

"We'll have to add this information to the TRO and maybe that'll keep him away from me for good. I mean it should help my case anyway." I said stalling a little."Arianna . . ." Leati said, putting his hand on my knee.

"What's going on?" dad asked.

"I . . . Trevor . . . he . . ."

"He used to hit her." Trinity said.

"Damn it Trin." I complained.

"He what?" my dad asked in his dangerously angry voice.

"Daddy . . ."

"He put his hands on you?" Paul asked.

"He what?" my dad asked again.

"Please remember that we're in a public place." I said softly.

"Why didn't you tell us this before?" Paul demanded.

"Because of that." I told him sheepishly, pointing to my father.

"Arianna . . ."

"I'm not gonna get into the whole thing right now or ever again hopefully. I know you, both of you and I didn't want you to beat him to a bloody pulp. He's in jail now and there's nothing he can do to me anymore."

"I'll call the police sergeant and have him add domestic violence to his TRO." Paul said.

"I'm gonna have to give a statement right?"

"Yeah, they'll have to hear it from you." My dad said.

"Daddy I'm so . . ."

"Don't you dare apologize." he growled.

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