Chapter 28

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As soon as we got into the room I showered again and changed into my pajamas before hopping into bed while he showered. Yes, there are two beds but if you had the option, would you sleep in a separate bed? When he came out of the shower, shirtless again I called him to my bed before he could lay in the other.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"I'm positive, ven cariño

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"I'm positive, ven cariño." I said, laughing at his groan.

"What the hell does that mean?" he asked, falling onto the bed in a heap next to me.

"It means come here sweetie."

"Say it again."

"No." I said, laughing at him.

"Come on, say it again."

"No, once was enough."

"Arianna . . ."

"No, I said it once and I'm not gonna repeat myself." I argued with the biggest smile on my face.

He pulled me into his side and I just snuggled in. It's like we were meant to fit together like this and it's the weirdest thing ever. Laying on my side with my arm over his chest and my leg tangled with his we got comfortable. His arm was under my head and he was playing with my hair, it was all very relaxing.

"Esto me parece muy bueno, muy relajador." I told him.

"Excuse me?" he groaned again.

"I said this is very nice, very relaxing."

"It really is, I swear you are the perfect size to do this with." he chuckled.

"I was thinking the same thing, it's like we were meant to fit together like this. Like two pieces to a puzzle, it's very weird but it's nice."

"That's a nice way of thinking, I like it. We were meant to be like this at some point in our lives." he said, kissing my temple.

"Who knows, maybe the fates had this planned for us all along." I told him.

"Do you believe in that?" he asked suddenly.

"In what?"

"Fate? Destiny? Legends?"

"Of course I do, I just have to look at my dad. It took him three tries but fate brought him to Gia and he's happier than ever. Back when we met on NXT we weren't ready for this. Fate had it planned that we meet up again and that we were single when it happened."

"I believe in that, I really do, it's nice to find someone else that believes."

"Galina didn't believe?"

"No, she said that things happen because we make them."

"I believe that too but I believe that fate plays a bigger part in making things happen. We simply follow the path that was drawn for us."

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