Chapter 49

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What the hell is this? How the hell did this get here? No one can make me panic like this man can and I don't understand why. In my pajamas I ran downstairs and demanded to speak to a manager, he can't keep doing this to me. Once I spoke to the manager, he said that he would check the security feeds to see who delivered the envelope. I also told him that if anyone came asking for me to say that I wasn't in.

When I went upstairs, the first thing I did was call Paul, he needs to let the lawyer know what's happening. I need my lawyer to put this on file and I can't let this go. This needs to stop, I thought it was over.

"Hey, we need to talk about. . ."

"I need a favor and you can't tell my dad or Le. Not yet." I interrupted.

"What's wrong Aria, you've got panic voice."

"I have what? How the hell . . . not important right now. I've got a letter that I need to give to you tomorrow, Trevor sent it to me."

"How the hell did he get it to you?"

"I don't know, there's no address on it, just my name so a private courier or someone dropped it off for him."

"What does it say? Aria, what did that bastard have to say?"

After reading the short letter to him his silence scared me. I don't know what he's doing but I know that I want this to be over. I imagine he's pacing around his office and as much as I find that amusing most times, this isn't one of them.

"You have to tell them." he growled.

"I will but not tonight, I need to think . . ."

"Think about what? He threatened you, Arianna, and he did it from behind bars!"

"This will be all over the news by morning, they'll be everywhere." I muttered.

"No one knows about your apartment but there might be some paps here to see if they can get a comment. I'll make sure that no one follows you home, is the apartment registered in your name?"

"No, everything is under Angle Construction or the gallery which I registered under my mom's maiden name and Anna's name."

"Except for the company." he chuckled.

"I'm proud to be an Angle."

"That's more like it. What about security in your apartment building? The lawyer will want access to the security cameras too."

"I already warned them and they've been given orders about giving my information out to anyone. If anyone asks for me, the concierge is to say that I'm not here."

"Good, go try to get some sleep and don't forget to bring the letter tomorrow."

"I won't, thanks, Paul."

"I'm here for you kid."

"Don't . . ."

"I'm not gonna tell them but I'm giving you until Tuesday or I will."

"Okay, goodnight."

After hanging up with him I walked around turning all of the lights on before laying down, something I've never done before. Although I was able to fall asleep quickly, I had nightmares that kept me up half the night. By the time I woke up I was running late and barely made it on time to board. I hadn't heard from Le and honestly, I didn't have time to do more than text him that I had boarded the flight.

The note that Trevor sent me was in my pocket and it felt like that weight was back again. The one that suffocates and keeps me looking over my shoulder. As soon as I got signal I called Paul, at his insistence, to let him know where I was. Apparently, there is security waiting for me at the gate. I really didn't want to make a big deal out of this but that's not gonna happen now.

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