Chapter 62

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As I waited to board the plane I was dreading the wait. I did and didn't expect Le to show up even though I asked him not to. The fact that he hasn't so far is very nice and refreshing. There's also the fact that the guys won't let him so I know that I'm good to go.

I slept through most of the flight and by the time I got to Pensacola I was wide awake. My house felt big and empty and very lonely but this is part of life. I love him with everything inside of me in a way that I didn't know I was capable of loving but I don't know if I can be with someone who doubts my loyalty two months ahead of the wedding.

My cell phone had been off since I left the arena so when I finally turned it on I was bombarded with messages. I answered my dad and left the rest of them unread. The only one that I did open was the message thread from Le, I just had to.

Le: Baby, please talk to me. I messed up, I know I did and I didn't mean any of it I know you would never cheat. I was mad and I said stupid things but I didn't  mean any of it. Please come back to the arena.

Le: Ari, you're probably on the plane by now and that's my fault. Baby, please  forgive me. Talk to me, text me at least, when you get to Pensacola so that I know that you got there okay.

Le: I'm not gonna keep bothering you, but please let me know that you arrived ok. At some point, you'll have to answer your phone for us to talk about this because I need to apologize. I overreacted, in a huge, jealous teenager way. You know that I love you and I would never doubt you, Balor is an entirely  different story. Babe, please, let me know that you're okay.

Ari: My phone's been off since I left the hotel, I just saw all of everyone's messages. I'm fine, I arrived okay. We'll talk tomorrow if I'm not busy because I have a full schedule planned with Anna.

Le: I love you

Ari: Good night

The fact that I haven't spoken to him at all today just feels weird, I miss him, a lot. This isn't how I expected things to happen so close to the wedding. Two months, our wedding is two months away and now this happened. I don't understand how this is possible, it shouldn't be possible. This really sucks!

I fell asleep in my big bed, alone, for the first time in months. There wasn't really much sleep to be had, I tossed and turned in bed all night. Around 4:30 I finally fell asleep and I was up by 8 to meet up with Anna. We had some business meetings to take care of and a few things to look at in the gallery. There was also the breaking ground of a new building that I wanted to be present for because it means progress.

After business was over I headed home, alone again, despite Anna's protests. She wanted me to go home with her so that she could distract me. I'm not really feeling sociable, I just want to go and drink some wine by the pool. As soon as I got home I pulled on a skimpy black bikini, grabbed a bottle of wine, a glass, and my sunglasses before heading out to my loungers by the pool.

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