Chapter 37

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His groan was music to my ears. His arms were tight around me, keeping me in place even though I wouldn't dream of moving away.

"Hmm, you're so beautiful baby." he said as his fingers finally entered where I wanted them, making me moan.

My head lulled back onto his shoulder as the pressure started mounting between my legs. I grabbed onto Le's thighs that were encasing my own and shuddered in his arms as the orgasm reached its amazing peak. My breathing started to calm down as the after effects of my orgasm started to subside but that didn't last long.

Le got up and pulled me along with him, bridal style, to the bed. He took his time taking what little I had on, off and treasured every part of my body all over again. When he finally fully entered me he had hiked my left leg around his waist and I cupped his cheek with my right hand, pulling him down for a kiss.

His hips pistoned against mine in a rapid but thorough coupling that had me nearing an orgasm for the second time tonight in record time. I was almost there, right on the peak but I needed something else, something more to help me get over it.

"Mi amor . . ." I raggedly moaned.

"Baby, come with me." he groaned.

"Always . . . amor please." I pleaded.

"Tell me Aria, tell me what you need." he said.

"More . . . I need . . . ahhh, yes!" I cried out when his hand moved to pinch my clit.

He spurred my orgasm and I apparently spurred his at the same time. Rolling his hips to make it last we rode out the waves of our orgasm until he collapsed on top of me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him softly, biting his sweat filled skin and making him groan. The pain in my shoulders was still there but I wanted to keep him right here.

He pulled out slowly and it elicited a wince from both of us. Taking advantage of the lull Le wrapped his arm around my waist and turned us over so that he was laying on his back and I was laying on his chest. I could hear and feel his erratic heartbeat, one that matched my own and I felt like I could stay here all night.

"I didn't want to crush you." he muttered, playing with my hair.

"If I'm being honest I didn't mind at all." I muttered.

"Well then, that's good to know."

"Our heartbeats match, even now." I told him, keeping my ear on his chest.

"It's kismet, our souls recognize each other." he replied.

"As much as I enjoyed that and whatever else is going to happen, we've gotta go."

"You called me papi." he said, closing his eyes at the memory and groaning.

"I also called you mi amor."

"My love?"

"Yes, very good." I replied, sitting up.

"Yeah but you still called me papi. I think I know what that means."

"I bet you do, it means daddy." I said, laughing at his groan.

"You will be the death of me."

"Fantastic way to die."

"That it is. Does it still hurt?" he asked, sitting up next to me and rubbing my shoulders, changing the subject.

"It does but it's not that bad anymore."

"Liar. You're still going to see the medics when we get there."

"Yeah, yeah, I need to find my underwear." I muttered.

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