Chapter 42

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After breakfast, Jimmy and Jey did dishes while we cleaned up after the kids overnight things. It was nice having kids here, I really enjoyed it. Especially having Joelle over, mi mariposita, made everything a lot brighter around the house. As much as I love my house, I really do, it gets lonely sometimes. It's a lot of space for little old me.

Jimmy and the rest of his family left after breakfast because they had plans. I made plans, well I thought of things to do and I hadn't brought them up to Le until after everyone left. Jo was watching tv in the living room while I checked some emails in my office after working out and Le was in the gym downstairs now.

"Ria?" I heard.

"Yes mariposita, what's wrong sweetie?" I asked, running out to the sofa.

"Where's daddy?"

"Downstairs in the gym."

"Can we go get him?"

"Sure, he should be done by now and I've got somewhere I want to go."

"We're leaving?" she asked sadly.

"No, I want us to go together. We gotta talk to daddy first though."


I picked her up piggyback style but before we could walk to the stairs Le came out.

"Daddy! We were just gonna get you." Jo said.

"Really, what for?" he asked, using a towel to wipe the sweat off of his face.

"I wanted to ask you something but it can wait for after your shower." I said.

"Leave Jo watching tv and talk to me while I shower." he offered.

"That works, Jo, to the room!" I shouted.

"To the room!" She repeated, giggling as I ran off with her.

After taking her back to her room and turning the tv on I walked into my room and went to the bathroom. Knowing how he likes his showers I turned the water on, letting it get to the lukewarm temperature that Le prefers.

"I kinda like you in that position." he said from behind me, pulling me against him.

"I bet you do, but you have to behave because Jo is in the next room and very much wide awake." I said, standing back up.

"The only thing keeping me from taking you the way I want to all over again."

"Down boy."

"What did you want to talk to me about?" he asked, hopping in the shower.

"Well, it's a few things really."

"Okay, starting with what?"

"Your things." I nervously replied.

"What about them?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to leave a few things here. That way, the next time you come back, you don't have to bring a big bag." I said, playing with my nails.

"Aria, look at me."

With a nervous smile, I looked over to the shower where his head popped out from. He had a serious look on his face, a face that's growing to be very important to me.

"Yes?" I asked.

"You're serious?" he asked.

"Absolutely, maybe leave some things for Jo, too? The clothes that you brought here for the weekend. I can wash it tomorrow."

"You want this?"

"Yes, I mean if you don't want to, I totally get it and there's no problem with it but . . ."

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