Chapter 51

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He was interrupted by the sudden pounding of footsteps that were undoubtedly heading for my room. Everyone was quiet as the pounding got louder and closer. It hurt like hell but I had to laugh. The two idiots; Colby and Jonathan, were running so fast that they ran straight past the room.

"You're gonna hurt yourself." my dad whispered, trying to hold in his laughter.

"Can't . . . help it." I wheezed and groaned.

"Dumbass, the nurse said 406, this is 414." Colby said.

"You were in front of me, idiot!" Jonathan argued.

"We gotta turn around . . . sorry ma'am, he has mental problems. This should be . . . hey, you're awake!" Colby said after they finally found the right door.

"Both of you are idiots." I wheezed.

"Is she ok?" Jon worriedly asked my father.

"I'm right here." I growled.

"It hurts when she laughs and you two fools are killing her." Paul replied, he was also laughing though.

"Sorry." Colby said.

"How are you feeling?" Jon asked.

"Like I was battered by an angry mob. Which I kinda was."

"Gentleman, I know that all of you want to stay but it's late and you're disrupting our other patients." a smiling nurse said as she walked into my room.

"We just got here, visiting hours . . ."

"Visiting hours are over, we let you all in this late as a favor to Mr. Angle and Mr. Levesque. I need everyone to leave the room except the one person that will accompany the patient." she insisted.

"Can we have five minutes to figure out who's going to stay with her?" dad asked.


"Bye nurse Emma." Colby said.

"Goodbye." she chuckled, leaving the room.

"Don't you have a girlfriend? Behave." I scolded.

"Right . . . well it's obvious that it's not gonna be either of us so we'll see you tomorrow. Try to get some rest." Jonathan said, coming to kiss my head.

"Yeah, we'll stop by tomorrow. Hey, don't forget to call Joe, he's driving us up the wall." Colby said, repeating Jon's actions.

"Guys, thank you for having my back." I told them before they could leave.

"You're a Shield sister, we'll always have your back." Colby said, holding out his fist.

With tears in my eyes, I watched as Jonathan held his fist out too. Moving my uninjured arm, very slowly, I held my hand out as well. I could hear Gia sniffling next to me and after a few seconds, the guys left.

"I know that it's not gonna be me either, so I'll see you tomorrow kid. Get some rest." Paul said, kissing my head too.

"I don't need anyone to stay with me. Mom, you go back to the hotel with dad and Trin you do the same with Jimmy." I told them.

"That's not gonna happen." Trinity said.

"I'm staying." Gia said.

"Dad . . ."

"Don't get me involved, you know damn well that after what happened today you're not going to be alone for a long time." he said.

"Thanks for not getting involved." I muttered.

"Trinity, sweetie, I'm staying. Thank you for being with her." Gia said and that was a wrap, all argument has been shut down.

"That means we're out, see you tomorrow fire-head." Jimmy said, kissing my head.

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