Chapter 34

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"That might be the beginning of a very beautiful rivalry if we don't get switched to different brands next week." I told them when we made it backstage.

"We'll just have to wait and see." Le said.

"I like the new chants, we're the Blazing Shield." Colby said.

"That was awesome, new swag to be created!" I replied.

"That shit was crazy!" Trinity said, running over to me.

"It felt crazy too, and super fucking fast."

"Fast? You were in the ring for almost 45 minutes." she countered.

"Well . . . damn. I'm ready for a shower, a hot one too because my shoulders are cramping up." I complained.

"That's where I come in." Le said.

"You perv." Jey said.

"They're cramping because you fucking chop blocked those two lugs." Jimmy shouted, running up behind me and picking me up.

"They took out my team, I had to go for the attack as soon as I had the chance." I replied when he finally put me down.

"Your team?" he asked.

"You better believe it Uso, she's a sister of The Shield now." Jonathan said when he walked up behind me.

"Alright, I see how this is gonna be now. You take care of my girl." Jimmy said.

"You both realize that I don't need anyone to take care of me right?" I asked them.

"Yeah, that double chop block told everyone that you don't need anyone to take care of you." Colby said suddenly.

"How are your shoulders?" Le asked.

"Hurting but not bad."

"Alright, we'll see everyone tomorrow morning. Come on big boy, we've got a video chat to get to so let's go get our things." Trin told her husband.

"Gotta go see the kids man, see you uce." Jimmy said.

"We're still on for Friday right?" I asked them.

"Absolutely, see you tomorrow." Jey said.

"Go take some painkillers." Trinity said as she walked away.

"No one was talking to you nosy, so I don't know why you replied." I complained, hitting Jey on his arm.

"I self-invited." he said before walking away.

"What's going on - on Friday?" Jonathan and Colby asked.

"Cookout at my house in Pensacola. You're invited if you can make it, bring swim trunks and significant others." I told them.

"Arianna." I heard, making me regret not just running away.

"I don't want to talk about this." I told him.

"We're going to talk so just come to my office."

"Just get it over with Aria." Le said.

"Aria?" I asked, arching my eyebrow.

"I'm not gonna call you by what everyone else does." he said with a smirk.

"Arianna." my uncle insisted.

"Will you come with me?" I asked Anoa'i.

"Of course."

We followed my uncle to his office where his son, daughter, son-in-law and my father were waiting. As soon as I walked in I could feel my anger grow to epic proportions, this was an ambush if I've ever seen one.

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