Chapter 38

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During the flight I looked over my business papers, making sure that I had everything I would need in my meetings tomorrow. Once I was satisfied it was almost time to land and I started to make a list of everything that I would need for tomorrow's pool party.

I'm not going to lie, I'm a little nervous to have Le coming to my house with Jojo. Jimmy, Trin, and the kids have been home so many times and they've slept over that many more times. Le and Jojo are an entirely different story, it's a different relationship entirely. I'm inviting the man that I'm emotionally involved with to stay at my house with his daughter, let's see what happens.

Annabelle was waiting for me at the airport and we talked shop the entire way home. We set up our computers in my office and made sure that we had everything we needed for the meetings tomorrow. Thankfully I had most of what I needed for tomorrow night and probably the entire weekend. I did do a late night Walmart run to get everything that was missing, and some personal things that I needed.

I wanted to make sure that I had everything to make sure that everyone was comfortable, especially Jojo. Jayla and Jayden have been to my house so many times, it's basically their house but it's new for Jojo. Hopefully, the kids will help her to feel at ease and relaxed here, it's very important to me that she enjoys this weekend. Its that next step for Le and I, so it means a lot to both of us that this goes well.

My meetings were very casual with my business partners and clients so I wore a pair of black pants, a white blouse with a beige blazer and cheetah print flats. Even though I do my best work in heels I'm going to be running around most of the morning and I prefer the flats. There was a bit of a miscommunication with one of my clients but Anna and I smoothed the ruffled feathers, I honestly don't know what I would do without her, she's just amazing. I made sure to amend the contract to include the new details and promised my client that he would have it by Monday morning.

Other than that one of the construction company meetings was with a new client to set up blueprints and another with a potential client

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Other than that one of the construction company meetings was with a new client to set up blueprints and another with a potential client. Beauty salons and commercial areas, that will bring good revenue to our area. The other meetings were for the galleries. One with managers, one with potential new artists and a third with some of my displayed artists.

By the time my meetings finished, I had a headache and wanted to bash my head against the concrete walls of my office. People can be such idiots sometimes and my business partners can be extreme idiots. Between partners, vendors, contractors, and clients I am really ready to go home and have a margarita - better yet, half a bottle of tequila.

"Annabelle, por favor recuerdame porque hago esto." I begged my assistant when we got back to my house.

"Because you love to make things. All of this frustrates you but at the end of the day you see something that you made . . . that your company made and it fills you with pride." she said.

"You're right of course, I just have a headache. It's been a long day and it's not even starting." I told her.

"Right, you have the big party this weekend."

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