Chapter 59

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"If you ever put your hands on me again . . ." Lesnar growled in my face.

A bunch of guys ran over to pull him away from me and they were surprised by the fact that I got right back in his face.

"What? What the hell are you going to do to me?" I replied, getting in his face.

"Listen here you . . ."

"Nothing! You won't do anything to me! You don't deserve that belt! You don't deserve to be here, you are nothing without it! A washed-out MMA fighter that got thrown out and brought back here out of pity! Come at me!" I growled, prepping for a spear of my own.

I know that it won't take him down but it'll make him see that I'm not here to play games. If I took out the Miztourage, I will take him down too. Thomas grabbed me around the waist and pulled me back, my dad grabbing my arms.

"Let go of me!" Lesnar shouted.

"Stand down! Lesnar move away from her now." Stephanie and Paul ordered.

"Watch yourself." he replied.

"Get the hell out of here, you might have his blood on your hands but don't doubt for a second that I wouldn't go for yours. Sick bastard." I growled before Colby and Trinity pulled me away from him.

"Come on, come on Arianna." Sika said, grabbing me by my waist from Thomas and throwing me over his shoulder.

The guys went back to the locker room but I don't want to be there, I don't want to be anywhere near anyone right now. I'm so pissed I'd be willing to take on another match even after the hell that Alexa Bliss put me through because she put me through hell. Sika finally put me down and I walked away. The remaining wrestlers knew that I was in a pisser of a mood so they kept away from me and that was just fine.

After walking around I found myself outside of the arena, there weren't any fans here thankfully and the silence works perfectly. My phone was buzzing non-stop in my pocket but I ignored it successfully. All of this, every single part of this, could have been avoided but no, he had to take Lesnar on. Roman Reigns knew he could beat Brock Lesnar, bullshit! I knew this is how it would end and I wasn't wrong.

I texted Trinity, told her to get my things and meet me outside. There's no way I'm going back into the arena and there's no one that I want to see.

"Ari . . ." she said when she came outside.

"Do you have my things?" I asked, hopping off of the equipment box I was sitting on.

"Yes, he's asking for you." she worriedly replied.

"He can keep on asking. Did you tell anyone where you were going?"

"No, I told them that you hitched a ride to the hotel with someone and asked me to grab your things."

"I didn't even think of that, really good idea. Hey Sasha, you heading to the hotel?" I asked when I saw the purple-haired girl.

"Yeah, you wanna jet?" she replied, cautiously walking over to me.

"Let's go."

I walked away from Trinity and tried my best to calm down. It's been at least 20 minutes since the damn match was over and I am still livid.

"You wanna talk about it?" Sasha asked when I got into her car.

"Not really."

"Okay, your entrance was fire as fuck." she said, making me chuckle for some reason.

"Thanks. God, I don't ever think I've been this livid before." I told her.

"Because you love him, that's understandable." she replied, going quiet after.

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