Chapter 47

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"Titi!" I shouted, walking through the open front door.

"Ari is that . . . hello beautiful!" my aunt Bea said, pulling me into one of her bone-crushing hugs.

"Hi, bendición."

"God bless you, sweetie. What are you doing here?" she asked me.

"She's got my tickets, don't you? I knew you wouldn't let us down." Lucas said, running into the room.

"Have I ever?" I asked him, doing our handshake.

"Hey, how you doing?" aunt Hannah asked, walking into the room.

"Just bringing by tickets, you're gonna see me tomorrow right?" I asked her.

"You bet sweet cheeks, you're gonna beat some ass tomorrow and then do the switch on Tuesday. So, where do you want to stay?" she asked me.

"I want Mondays, it gives me more time for my other work." I replied, sitting down on a stool by the kitchen counter.

"More time for work or more time to hang out with your lovebug?" titi Bea asked.

"Both I guess. I'm happy titi." I told them.

"When it gets emotional I leave, see you tomorrow at the arena. I'm happy for you though, you deserve it more than anyone I know." Lucas said kissing my forehead before running out.

"I can see you're happy sweetie, I'm happy for you. I can't wait to meet him. This man that makes you smile, I told you that you needed to do more of that. Especially after everything . . ."

"Titi, please, I don't want to . . ."

"It's okay lovebug, I'm proud of you for speaking up. We love you baby." aunt Hannah said.

"Are you mad at me too?" I asked them.

"No, we could never be mad at you for something like that. We don't have to talk about it but we are very proud of you. Speaking up is harder than keeping quiet and you did it. This man, is he supportive of you?" Titi Bea asked.

"Every step of the way, he encouraged me to talk about it."

"That's great, it really is. All we want is for you to be happy sweetie, now come on, I'm cooking dinner. I want you to tell me all about this big weekend we've been seeing on social media. The photos looked like you were having fun."

"It was so much fun . . ."

After telling them all about my weekend and eating dinner I declined to spend the night and went back to the apartment building to hit the gym. I've had a food heavy weekend and I've gotta get back in. Halfway through my rigorous workout, a video call came in through my music.

"Hey babe, what's up?" I asked Le when I saw his face.

"Hi, working out?" he asked.

"Yeah, you caught me mid-workout. The break is appreciated though, what are you doing?"

"Just lounging around, waiting for Jojo."

"Did you talk to Galina about her going to the shows this week?" I asked, going back to the workout.

"Yeah, she said I can keep Jojo all week." he scoffed.

"I would assume that that's a good thing but I'm guessing I assumed wrong." I huffed.

"Not that you assumed wrong, not at all because being here for the week is amazing but it's her carelessness that bothers me. I told her that I wanted to talk about arrangements for this week and she just told me you're here all week so you can have her, I already made plans. How can she be so careless?"

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