Chapter 30

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"Okay, all of you are way too invested in our sex life. Unhealthily so." I told them, making them all laugh.

While we ate breakfast I noticed a bunch of people with cameras outside of the hotel and at first I thought they were fans. At first, then I noticed the microphones and tape recorders. The twins noticed the change in my demeanor before anyone else but before they could ask about it my dad and Paul walked in the room.

"They're here for a story aren't they?" I asked them.

"Yeah, I pulled a favor and had the police sergeant come here to take your statement so that you didn't have to go to the precinct." Paul said.

"Well that happened super fast, where are we doing this?"

"I got the hotel to lend us one of their smaller event rooms." Dad said.

"Did they find out who told Trevor where my room was?"

"Yes and the employee was fired." Paul said.

"Well that's not comforting." I muttered.

"He could've put your life in danger, well actually he did." dad said.

"Do I really have to do this?" I asked.

"Yes!" Everyone chorused.

"Fine, come with me?" I asked Leati.

"Of course, we'll meet up with you guys later on." he told our friends.

"You've got this." Trinity said.


I followed my dad upstairs and asked for a few minutes. An idea popped into my head while we were in the elevator; I took screenshots of the messages that Trevor sent me and printed them in the business center to use as proof. The guys thought it was a good idea and Anoa'i was not happy at all.

"Le, I didn't want you to see them all." I told him after he read the entire thing again.

"Why the hell not?"

"I didn't want to cause this type of reaction, I try very hard to avoid this kind of situation. Added to that you would've known about the other thing if I had showed them to you. I didn't wanna make you angry." I fearfully told him.

"Arianna, you should've told us." Dad said, pulling me into his arms quickly.

"I'm not him." Le growled.

"I . . . I know." I said, turning back to him with shaking hands.

"Don't . . . I'm sorry Arianna. I'm not mad at you." he said softly, kissing my head.

"It's okay Le, I know. I just, I can't help it." I said, walking away from him.

"Arianna . . ."

"Dad don't . . ."

"Ari . . . it's ok now, he will never touch you again. I will make sure of it, I will make sure that - that rat bastard doesn't ever see you again." Paul said.

"It's just weird knowing that it's all out now or rather it's gonna be. I've worked very hard to keep all of this hidden under wraps and now it's going to be common knowledge. I'm not ready for all of that negative attention."

"Baby girl, we will be with you the entire time." my dad said, walking over to me.

"Can we just get this over with?" I asked, feeling my anxiety growing.

"Ari, I need you to calm down." dad said, knowing me very well.

"I . . . this isn't what I wanted. I never meant for this to happen." I told him.

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