Chapter 58

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There aren't very many places to hide in an arena, not with ten thousand employees walking around but I always manage to find one. It isn't a hiding spot per se, but it's a solitary area, if someone wanted to find me they easily could but they'd have to walk around for a while to do so. I grabbed my headphones from my locker and went to that solitary area, turning my music on as high as it would go to distract myself.

I couldn't help the mental images of Lesnar's past matches and it's scaring me shitless. The few people that did see me quickly noticed that I was in the foulest of moods so they kept their distance and that worked perfectly for me. When it was fight time an AV tech found me and accompanied me to the gorilla.

It all passed by entirely too quickly, I feel like the match was over in a second when in all reality it took about 10 minutes. I won, of course, they won't take the title from me now, bad publicity and all. I went back to my new spot and avoided the Shield like the plague and when it was time for him to do his promo cut I was nowhere to be found, I made sure of it.

"Arianna, I know you're in here! Come on, Ari, just come out." my father shouted since I had decided to hide this time.

"What do you want?" I asked, knowing that he had a part to play in all of this.

"They're waiting for you."

"I already told Anoa'i that I wasn't going down with him. I'm not okay with this, I don't even understand why they would bring him back to the WWE."

"Ari please, can you just go out and do this?" he sighed.

"And lie to my fans about being happy? No thanks."

"Whether you like it or not this is happening, please just be a team . . ."

"A team player, that's what my life's been reduced to, always being a team player. What happens if I don't go?"

"People are gonna start to speculate and that's what we don't want to happen."

"I can't believe this, I honestly can't."

"Put your ring on too, they want the whole picture."

"I never said I was gonna do this, he knows I'm not the least bit interested in this."

"It's a great opportunity for him, having this title will be massive for his career."

"Great opportunity? He's gotta beat Lesnar first, the man is a beast, no pun intended. We both know that Le won't beat him and he's gonna get his ass handed to him on a silver platter just for trying." I argued.

"You don't know that."

"The hell I don't!"

"Arianna, please, they wanna do this now. With you by his side, his happy fiancé."

"I bet they do." I growled, getting up.

"Thank you."

"Don't thank me just yet."

"Do not mess this up, everything is planned to pure perfection."

I followed him to the girls' locker room then gorilla and I saw the shock on Le's face when he saw me. I'm still in my ring gear but I honestly don't care at the moment. He tried to lace his fingers with mine and I pulled away, his sigh was music to my petty bitch ears. Once the music hit a big smile was on my face and Le's arm was around my shoulder, that was my compromise.

He said what he had to say and the crowd was eating it up but before we could leave Brock Lesnar's music popped on. The guys prepared for a fight but Lesnar and Paul Heyman stood at the top of the ramp talking their smack too. This couldn't finish fast enough and as soon as it was over and we were in the back I changed into normal clothes and took a ride with Sasha and Charlotte to the hotel.

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