Chapter One

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Tony’s POV

    I was down in my lab working on one of my foot thrusters, and mumbling to Jarvis, when I heard Steve yelling from upstairs.

    “Tony!” He called. I rolled my eyes not wanting to be social and continued to work.

    “Tony?” I heard Steve whisper from the doorway, in the sweet way he always did.

    “Over here.” I sighed as I put my tools down. I then felt a soft kiss on the back of my neck, and I smiled. When I turned around I saw Steve’s sweet face and asked, “What’s up Captain?”

    “Come upstairs to the party! It’s your birthday, come have fun.” He insisted kneeling down so that he could look into my eyes. I then heard the chime of my Stark Tech phone and picked it up, as Steve continued to kiss my neck. I laughed at the picture of a happy Steve, and the blue caption that said, “Give Captain America a girlfriend!”

    “What is it?” Steve asked. I showed him my phone and his whole face turned dark red.

    “It’s too bad you already have a boyfriend.” I sighed, making Steve smile. He then leaned in and kissed me with his soft lips.

    “C’mon, let’s go up stairs.” Steve urgered. I nodded and then he pulled me up into his large arms.

         I wrapped my arms around him and Steve whispered, “You know my boyfriend is so sweet, and cute. He has this pretty short brown hair, and beautiful eyes. Oh, and he is so smart!” Steve smiled like an anime character, and pulled me closer to him, before continuing.

    “He has fantastic abs, and huge biceps, and I love when he wraps them around me.” I kissed Steve’s lips, now wanting to compliment him and prove that I was more lucky.

    “Well my boyfriend, is sweeter than yours! He is the biggest gentlemen you will ever meet. And you think your boyfriend has pretty eyes? Mine has these beautiful crystal blue eyes and great cheekbones that I love to kiss. He also has soft blonde hair that I love to run my hands through, and incredibly soft lips. And you think yours is strong, mine is a fucking super soldier!” I exclaimed.

    “Language.” Steve interrupted making me laugh. We were now in the elevator and it chimed, singling that we were on the right floor, and Steve gently put me down.

    “You know, I don’t think I want a boyfriend anymore.” Steve said unexpectedly.

Once those words left his lips my heart sank. Did Steve not love me the way I loved him? Did he not want to be with me? I could feel my eyes fill up with tears and I looked out the elevator as it opened. Then, a million confetti machines went off, and when the sparkly red plastic fell to the ground there was a large white sign that read, “Will you marry me, Tony Stark?”, in red and gold letters. I gasped and turned to Steve in the elevator. He was down on one knee and had a crimson box in his hand.

    “I want a husband.” He said. The tears that were in my eyes, now spilled out in joy and I flung my arms around the Captain making him fall to the ground.

    “Yes, yes! A thousand times yes!” I squealed like a little girl.

    “I love you Steven Grant Rogers!” I yelled wrapping my legs around him. Steve rolled on top of me, an adorable smile on his face. He was about to kiss me when Natasha cleared her throat.

    “Ok, that’s sweet, but do that when I am not around.” Natasha ordered from behind and Steve got up, pulling me with him.

    “I love you too, Tones.” The Captain whispered, holding my hand out and sliding the ring on.

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