Chapter Two

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TIME SKIP: A week later
Tony's POV
    I yelled at Steve as he begged me to come to bed. I was tired, drunk, and wanted to work. I didn’t want to be around anyone right now, not even if it was my finance.

    “FINE THEN!” Steve screamed and stomped up the stairs. I huffed and spun on my heels walking to the fridge I had down in the lab. I grabbed a full bottle of brandy, my phone, and then sat down in one of my cars. I started to chug the alcohol, burning as it rushed down my throat. I opened my phone to Rhodey and my’s text messages.

“I have a luv, hate relationship w/ Steven Grant Rogers.”

I texted. A few seconds later my phone chimed and I read the blue bubble’s white lettering out loud.

“Steve is ur fiance. Wut r u talking about?”

I sighed rolling my eyes.

I then texted back,

“StEVe iS Ur FiaNCe. IDGAF!!”

“Wut happened?”

Rhodey replied. I sighed, thinking about what actually happened.

“I was in my lab. Steve wanted me to come up stairs. I didn’t”

I took another swig of brandy, feeling extremely light headed.

“TONY! That man fucking luvs u! Y the hell r u being a dick and not listening 2 him? How long have u been in ur lab?”

Rhodey texted. I thought for a second and I sighed.

“4 days”

I admitted.

Rhodey sent me a rolling eye emoji and then said,

“Go apologize. He is worried about u and wants 2 know if u r alright!”

I attempted to drink more of my drink but looked at the empty bottle of liquor. I sighed and nodded,

“k, i’ll go up stairs”

I gave up and turned off my phone. I slowly climbed up the long staircase, and cracked open the door. Steve was facing the window, and I heard sniffling. My heart broke, realizing I had made the fearless, strong, Captain America cry. I rushed over to my fiance and knelt down to look into his eyes.

“I’m so sorry!” I apologized holding Steve’s face. He looked past me out the window and I hung my head.

“I was being stupid, and just wanted to be alone. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I hate, hate, hate, seeing you like this. I’m so sorry, I never want to make you cry, and I was wrong to want to be alone.” I looked deep into the super soldier’s eyes and he looked back at me.

“Really?” He asked. I nodded rapidly and kissed a tear away from his check. I ducked my head and repeated, “Really.”

Steve lifted my chin and kissed my lips. I held onto him tightly wrapping my arms around his neck. Steve then pulled me into the bed and started to kiss my lips.

“I’m so glad your no longer crying.” I sighed as Steve’s lips traced my neck.

“Don’t worry you will be crying soon.” Steve whispered, and I began to snicker. He pulled me closer to him and I buried my head in his chest, kissing him. I started to move my hands up and down Steve’s body. He held on to one hand, intertwining our fingers and then he rolled me over. Pushing his body hard on to mine, he licked up and down my neck. I took of my shirt as he removed my pants, and I grabbed his dick through his sweatpants, as I then pulled the fabric of his pants down with a moan. He put his hands into my boxers, our lips not leaving each others. He pumped me and I ran my fingers through his hair. I then moved my hands down his body having memorized every curve and muscle. I pushed his boxers down and he did the same to me. The captain smiled pulling out of one of our kisses, and I knew I was in for it. Steve moved my legs onto his shoulders, and gently started to suck on my dick. I moaned and giggled as I put his fingers into my mouth. He then pulled away and flipped my hard on to my stomach making my groan as my head slammed against the mattress.

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