Chapter Forty-three

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Steve's POV

I woke up with cloudy thoughts. There was some bright light in front of me, and I blinked several times urging it to focus. I looked around the room and noticed it was not the Stark Expo, ballroom A bathroom. 

I closed my eyes trying to think of what happened last night. I know that Amélie and I arrived at the party at 7:54. We both walked in and mingled for a bit before she dragged me over to the bar. Then I saw Tony. It was the first time I had seen him in months. He looked tired, bags under his eyes covered by make-up. His hair was forced into a sticky upward turn. He had lines going across in forehead, and there were a few new lines of gray hair buried under his brown locks. He was beautiful, and it hurt that I couldn't kiss him. That I couldn't hold him closely and tell him how much I had missed him. Instead I had to endure Amélie kissing my chin while I pretend to meet Tony for the first time. Then I remember Amélie dragging me to the other side of the ballroom. She asked me to dance with her, and I did for a bit, spinning her in circles. I then left to go "check" on the bomb in the bathroom, when I was really setting the count down back, so I had more time. When I walked back in the room, I nodded my head to Natasha who was talking with Amélie, and I started to dance with Amélie again. I saw Kelsey and Tony dancing in the middle of the ballroom, and I smiled at them with a sigh. After a few minutes I told Amélie that I was going to check on the bomb again, and she nodded before sauntering back over to Natasha to make sure she didn't follow me into. I remember opening the door to the bathroom stall the bomb was in, but that's when my mind goes blank. 

The room I was in was cold, probably somewhere around twenty degrees. I looked down to see I was in trousers and my undershirt. There was blood trickling from my neck to my tank top. I tried to lift one of my hands to feel where the blood was coming from, but I was chained into the chair. I tried to use all my strength to break the chains, but they didn't budge. I huffed, and my breath danced in a gray cloud before me.

"Good morning Captain." I heard a voice, and I looked up to Hans. 

There were two women behind him both dressed in black spandex and vests covered in tasers, knives, and guns. Their eyes were covered by a black visor, and they had the blood red HYDRA symbol on the left side of their chest. Their lips were the same red, and the one on the left licked her lips. I turned my chin to look at Hans, and he smiled at me with puffy lips.

"You fooled us, Captain." He said, and I kept my face straight.

"You got Amélie to catch feelings, you got some of our best scientists to trust you, but I always thought there was something off about you." Hans walked towards me, exaggerating his steps.

"Congratulations." I hissed, and Hans nodded.

"A part of me is glad that I didn't suspect you right away. This is much more fun now. Stark Expo was blown up, and  the press is not certain that your daughter, Kelsey Rogers, has survived." Hans said, and I felt like my lungs had been squeezed out. 

My daughter could be dead, and it was all my fault. I should have called Tony and told him not to bring the kids. I should have pushed back the count down longer. I should have done something, anything, different because my daughter is possibly dead. My little girl could be dead, and it's all my fault. 

The back of my eyes burned, but I couldn't let myself cry in front of HYDRA. 

"You're lying." I spat, and Hans looked back at one of the guards.

She lifted her arm and clicked a little screen on it. A projection popped out, and I saw a news reporter going over the news of the Stark Expo bombing.

"Last night at the Stark Expo party celebrating President America Chavez's thirty-sixth birthday, there was a bombing. In the events of the explosion Kelsey Rogers, the famous daughter of the superhero-power-couple Tony Stark and Steve Rogers a.k.a Iron Man and Captain America, was found, buried in rubble, by her father Tony Stark. Doctor's haven't told us whether or not she is still living, and Tony Stark hasn't posted anything. Currently Steve Rogers is unavailable for questioning, and hasn't been present for two months and two weeks. There are rumors of a possible divorce around Mr.Stark and Captain Rogers. Reporter, Dominica..." The reports voice cut off as the woman put down her arm and heavy tears were flowing down my cheeks. 

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