Chapter Eighteen

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TIME SKIP: Peter’s first day of Middle School

Peter’s POV

It was my first day of middle school I was going to be a 6th grader! The summer was great. Wade and I hung out everyday and I started to develope a crush on him. Dad got pregnant, which was good besides the fact that he got into a fight with Pop everyday, after he had his usual throw up sesion, and then they would end the fight with them going up to their room followed by yelling which Uncle Bucky said not to question and Uncle Clint said was “secs”?. Devyn unfortunately had to move away to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania which felt like another country, but we still kept in touch.

I was brought out of my thoughts when my phone rang, and I ran over to it. I saw that I was getting a facetime from Devyn, and I quickly pressed the green answer button.

“Hey, Devyn!” I said buttoning up my blue shirt.

“Hey, Peter!” Devyn smiled. She was looking pretty as always, her hair pulled into a ponytail. She had on a white hoodie, with pink lettering, and a large smile on her face, making her eyes shine.

“Ready for 6th grade?” She asked.

I nodded and asked her, “Are you?”

Devyn shrugged and I heard Dad calling me from down stairs.

“Peter, Wade is here!” He yelled and I sighed.

“I have to go, bye Devyn!” I said.

“Bye.” She sighed and ended our call. Wade’s car pulled out in front of the house, and I yelled “Bye” as I tried to run out, but I was caught by my father.

“Pop!” I complained.

“You don’t think we are going to let you leave that fast did you?” Dad walked up to me with his hand on his enlarged stomach that was poking out under his blue Captain America shirt. Pop and Dad were going to find out the gender today and I couldn’t be happier.

Pop kissed me on the head saying, “I love you Slugger,” and Kelsey then ran up to me and squeezed me tight.

“And I love you, Squirt.” Dad whispered doing his best to bend down, and kiss me.

“Let’s go to school!” Kelsey chanted. Pop then let go of me and picked up Kelsey.

“Bye, Peter.” Dad called as I ran out yelling, “I love you guys!”  

When I got into the car, Wade smiled and, I said, “Hello, Mrs. and Mr. Wilson.” They both nodded at me and I threw on my best smile. When we got to school we got out of the car and looked at the large building.

“Woah,” Wade said.

“I know” I gasped, then we walked to our home room. There were a ton of kids all messing around in it, but once the bell rang they all calmed down and ran to their seats. The teacher then stood up in front of the class and introduced herself.

“Hello class, I’m your home room teacher Mrs.Flanchard, I am going to call roll.” She said and began to call the names.

“Peter Rogers.” she said and I chriped, “here!”. For some reason some kids began to laugh, and I furrowed my brows.

“Wade?” I asked, “Why is my name funny?”

“I don’t know Pete.” he answered back.

At lunch I met Wade outside under a tree. I injected my allergy shot into my arm as he came over.

“Hey Pete.” he called, as sat down next to me, and before we could start eating a kid jumped out from behind the tree.

“Hey, faggot.” the kid yelled.

“Faggot?” I asked Wade.

“Wow, I’m surprised you don’t know what that means, because that’s what your dads are.” The kid sneered, and I raised my eyebrows.

“What do you want!” Wade yelled standing up.

“Wade, why the fuck are you standing up for him, he is just another gay motherfucker.” I gasped at the kids bad language and knew Pop would not approve.

Wade then clenched his fists and said, “Leave him alone Flash.”  

I stood up and asked, “What do you want?”

The kid laughed and hissed, “You know your different right, nobody has two dads.” Then, he punched and kicked me, until I was covered in bruises. The bell then rang and they ran to their classroom.

My walk home wasn’t much better. Flash followed me halfway and beat me up again and then wrote “fag” on my forehead with a sharpie.

When I got inside Pop looked up from his book labeled “Commando Dad, a Guide for Pregnancy and Birth Dads-to-be ”, and his eyes grew wide.

“Peter what happened?” He asked.

“Nothing” I said covering my forehead and then I ran up to the bathroom and washed off the word as best I could. I then walked downstairs and I started my homework.

“Peter” Dad said form behind me. I grunted not wanting to talk about today and turned.

“We need to talk.” he said and Pop was standing next to him.

I covered my face with my hands and then hissed, “There is nothing to talk about.”  I then stood up abruptly and stomped off to my room

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