Chapter Thirty-three

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Tony's POV
"So all you have to do is connect the reactor with the copper cabeles. Just like that." I nodded, bouncing Peggy on my leg, as I watched Kelsey hook up her hand thruster to her metal heart.
"Perfect." I smiled, and I stood up. "Give it a try. Let Peggy and me leave." I said, and Kelsey nodded.
I then left the lab and shut the glass door. I nodded for Kelsey to go, and she lifted her hand aiming it at a punching bag. The repulsor fired, and she gasped as it hit the bag in a clean line making. She looked at me with a happy smile, and I nodded giving her a thumbs up. I then pointed to the bag and nodded siganling for her to try again. Kelsey lifted her hand, and the repulsor fired twice. I pumped my fist in celebration, and I opened the door.
"Good job, Smarty!" I cheered, and Kelsey smiled.
I hugged her with one arm, the other one busy holding Peggy, and Kelsey smiled down at her black glove. She then walked over to the rest of her suit, and she placed her hands on her hips.
"How do you connect it?" She asked, and I walked over to her.
"Here. Take it off." I instructed, and she slowly unclipped it from her arc reactor and slide the glove off her hand.
"Now connect it on the power bank where your reactor's placed." I said, and Kelsey did as she was told.
"Then that should do it. You might wanna make some modifications to adjust it to your liking." I said, and Kelsey nodded.
"Cool." She smiled pushing her grease covered hair out of her face.
"You look just like your Dad." I heard Steve say from the doorway, and Kelsey turned around.
"Really?" She asked, and Steve nodded.
"Oh yeah. Black tank top, sweat pants, hightops." Steve smiled with his arms crossed, and Peggy held her hands out.
"Bapa, up!" She called, and Steve walked over to us.
"Hey, Dot." He whispered taking her from my hands.
"Hello." Steve greeted kissing the top of Kelsey's head, and then he turned to me and kissed my lips. "Hello."
Steve then turned to Kelsey and gasped. "Your all dirty." He complained licking his thumb and wiping a grease stain off Kelsey's cheek.
"I'll take a shower. I don't need all your spit on me before I meet up with Cameron." She said smacking the captain's hand away, and Steve's smile fell.
"What?" He wondered, and Kelsey raised an eyebrow.
"I have a date tonight." She said, and Steve looked at me.
I nodded, and he looked back at Kelsey.
"Really?" He asked in a soft voice, and Peggy started to cry.
"What's wrong?" I asked taking her from Steve, and I gently rocked her as Steve interrogated Kelsey about her date.
"Hey Stevie. It's a date. Nothing else." I said, looking at Kelsey with wide eyes for confirmation, and she nodded.
"Just a date." She repeated, and I placed Peggy on the changing table I had in the lab.
"See. Nothing's gonna happen, and if it does it does. She can't stay pure forever." I said undoing Peggy's diaper.
"But, she's fourteen." Steve whimpered.
"And?" I asked, and Steve groaned.
"Who does...that at fourteen?" He asked.
"Not me! Eww Papa!" Kelsey shivered, and I finished changing Peggy.
"I did that at fourteen." I shrugged, and Kelsey looked at me with disgust.
"Hey missy, you can't judge me because your parents love you. That was the only way to get my dad's attention other than science awards." I said, and Kelsey shook her head.
"I need a shower." She muttered, and she walked out.
"Tony, we shouldn't be talking to her about that." Steve whispered, and I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
"She has learned all about it at some point. She knows the ins and outs already because of school. Plus not everyone can be a ninty-five year-old virgin. Also stop calling it that like it is some bad word. Just call it,"
"Don't you dare finish that sentace. Peggy is right here." Steve hissed, and I looked down at Peggy.
"Sorry Peggster." I whispered, and she cocked her head slightly.
"So, what did you come down here for?" I wondered, and Steve sighed.
"I can't just come down at see how my husband and daughters are doing?" Steve asked, and I put Peggy in her little baby bouncer before sitting down at one of my many lab stations.
"I'm not saying that. You had that look." I said, and Steve sighed.
"Well, Fury called. He's sending me on a mission." Steve said, and I spun around in my chair.
"Just you? Not the whole team? What is it?" I questioned, and Steve sighed.
"There is this women, Amélie Bisset. She's a french engineer, and Fury believes that she is part of another HYDRA organization. She's apperently making bombs. I have an undercover mission to become I, also, have to get the bomb plans and stop her before she realses any." Steve explained, and I groaned.
"Your kidding right? That sounds long, and boyfriend really? When do you think you'll be home?" I asked, and Steve shrugged.
"Depends." He whispered, and I ran a hand through my hair.
Steve squated down in front of me and held my face. "I'm so sorry." He whispered.
"Yeah. I know." I sighed leaning into his hand.
"Are you allowed outside contact?" I asked, and Steve nodded.
"You're gonna let me go?" He asked, and I nodded.
"One I'd be a horrible person if I let the world possibly hang in the balance. And two, it's not like you wouldn't go anyway. You would give me those damn puppy dog eyes and talk about how you're not being a real hero, and there is people in danger." I said, and Stee smiled.
"I'm so sorry." He whispered, and I shook my head.
"Don't be. Apologize to the kids though." I said, and Steve looked even more sadder than before.
"When do you leave?" I asked, and Steve put his head on my chest.
"Tomorrow." He whispered. "Late at night."
"Well, that means we have one more night together." I smiled, and Steve glanced at Peggy.
"Thor's in town. He'll take care of her." I said, and Steve smiled.
"Okay. I'll hang out with you tonight. And tomorrow I will hang out with the kids." Steve said, and I smiled wrapping my arms around his shoulders.
"Sounds good to me." I smirked, and Steve pressed his lips against mine.
When we broke off, I walked over to Peggy and scooped her out of her bouncer. "What do ya say, Pegs? Wanna hang out with Uncle Thor?"
"Tore!" Peggy exclaimed, and I nodded.
"That's right, Pumpkin." Steve smiled kissing her temple, and we went upstiars.
We walked to Thor's room and knocked on his door. He opened it with a large smile, and I smiled back.
"Hey big guy. Can you take care of Peggy tonight?" I asked, and Thor looked down at my little girl.
"I do enjoy playing with Madien Peggy." Thor boomed. "I would be honored to take this job."
I handed Peggy to Thor. "Okay so you know if she has a sezuire what type of medcine and how much." I said.
"You also know when to put her to bed?" Steve added.
"And she won't sleep unless she has her Captain America and Iron Man toy." I reminded, and Thor let out a loud laugh.
"Don't worry, borther Anthony. I know how to take care of the youngling." Thor said, and I nodded.
"Okay." I whispered, and Thor took Peggy in his large arms.
"Okay." Steve repeated, and we slowly walked away from the door.
"Thor don't forget," I started.
"I know about it all Anthony. If I need help I will require the help of brother Bruce." Thor said, and I nodded.
"Great." I clapped my hands, and Steve smiled at me.
"Kay, Kelsey's on a date. Peggy's with Thor. And Peter's at Ned's?" I listed, and Steve nodded.
"How bout something a little romantic? Chocolate covered strawberries and wine?" Steve purred, wrapping his arms around me.
"I could put on a bubble bath." I smirked, and Steve gently kissed me.
"I'll be back." He said, and he left for the kitchen grabbing his car keys.
I went up to our bathroom, and I started the bubble bath. Steve and I haven't had a romantic bath in a while -not like we had a lot, I thought it was more of a girly thing, Steve and I usualy stuck with the shower. Baths now usually envolved the two of us shirtless and trying to clean Peggy. Now Peggy may be a sick little girl, but she hates water. She will splash and scream to the point where she burst into a coughing fit, and we have to take her out. It takes about a hour to bath her, when it only took twenty minutes to bathe Kelsey and thrity to bathe Peter just because he didn't want to get out of the water. I set up some candles, and I ordered JARVIS to dim the lights. There was a knock on the door as I was pulling my shirt off over my head, and I opened the door for Steve. I smiled at him, and he bent down to peck my lips. He was holding a box of a two dozen chocolate, dipped strawberries, two glasses, and a bottle of wine. I smiled wrapping my arms around Steve's neck, and Steve kissed me placing the stuff behind us. He then wrapped his arms around me, and I pushed my tongue into his mouth. Steve's tongue slid underneath mine, and I tugged at the hairs on the nap of his neck.
"C'mon." Steve said, and he took a step away undressing.
I watched as he pulled his shirt over his head, and pushed his pants down. I pushed my hair back, and Steve looked up with a raised eyebrow.
"Are you just going to watch the show, or are you gonna join in?" He asked, and I took off my pants and boxers quickly.
Steve then held out his hand for me, and we climbed into the bathtub pulling me in behind him. We sat facing each other, my legs on top of Steve's. He reached over to the counter top and pulled the wine glasses off first. He handed me both of them before grabbing the bottle of wine. He poured each of us a glass and grabbed the strawberries. He opened the box, and I smiled at him. Steve took out a strawberry covered in white chocolate with little brown streaks. He held it out for me, and I took a small bite. Steve smiled, and I coutinued to eat the fruit as sexily as I could. I picked out a strawberry for Steve, and I held it out for him. Steve ate the strawberry, and we contiuned switching off stopping a few times to drink our wine. I fed Steve the last strawberry, and a bit of chocolate stuck to his lip. I leaned forward and licked it off. I smiled leaning back slightly, and I looked into Steve's eyes. Steve stared at me with lust, and I knew I was giving him the same look back. I then leaned forward again, and Steve met me half way kissing me hard. I pushed my hands in his hair, and I pressed my chest into Steve's. Steve pulled at my hair, and I lifted my butt so my whole body was pressed to his. Steve leaned back in the tub, and he moved his lips down my body. His tongue traced the scars around my reactor, and Steve moved his hands to my ass. Steve pressed me back to the bathtub, and I wrapped my legs around his waist.
"I've missed you." I moaned, as Steve sucked a hickey on my neck.
"It hasn't been that long." Steve muttered against my skin.
"Long enough." I smirked, and I pulled Steve's head back so I could kiss him.
"I've missed you too." He said against my lips.
"Show me." I begged, and Steve smirked down at me.
"What's the magic word?" Steve purred pushing one of his fingers up my ass, and I moaned.
"Oh...shit." I moaned, and Steve pulled at my bottom lip.
"That doesn't sound like it." He said, in a low voice, and he stuck a second finger up me.
I moaned louder, and Steve bent my head back kissing the front of my neck.
"Magic word?" He asked.
"Please, Stevie, please." I begged, and Steve stuck a thrid finger in me.
He scissored me, and then he pulled his fingers out. I felt Steve's fingers wrap around my member, and he pushed himself into me. I moaned loudly, and I let my head fall back. He started to thrust his pelvis into me, and I lifted my hips into Steve's. He kept his lips locked with mine as he hit me harder.
"Faster." I whimpered, and Steve listened to my command.
Steve kept his grip on my dick, and he hit me harder and faster. Steve satrted mastrabating my cock under the water.
"STEBE!" I yelped as he hit my g spot.
"Like that, Baby?" Steve asked jolting his hips into me again.
"Fuck, uh." I whimpered, and Steve made a bruise with his mouth on my shoulder.
He hit me again and again and twisting his hips inside of me. I gripped Steve's hair, and he kissed me hard his member still moving inside of me. We were both moaning and after a few minutes I felt my climax.
"Hmm, Captain." I whispered, and Steve clasped my ear in his teeth.
"I'm gonna come." I moaned.
"Go ahead." Steve said, and he thrusted into me as I released.
Steve hit me a few more times before he came too. He pulled himself out of me, and I sighed. Steve kepts his legs stradled around my waist, and I kissed him passionatly. After a few minutes we both noticed the water was cold, and Steve climbed off of me. He lifted me up bridal style and kissed the tip of my nose. He kissed me lovingly on the lips as he carried me to our bedroom. He placed me on the ground in front of it, and we dried ourselves off. We then slid on our boxers and before I could get my pants on Steve pulled me in a kiss. I lifted my legs arond his waist, and Steve carried me to our bed.
"Wait here." He whispered, and he smiled gently lifting my chin and pecking my lips. He then hurried away, and he came back holding a bottle of lotion. He sat down in the bed behind me, and he pulled me into his lap.
Steve put some lotion on his hands, and he began to massage my back. I sighed leaning my head back onto his shoulder, and he gently kissed my hair before continuing. He rubbed his hands gently up and down my back and ran his flattened hands up from my lower back along either side of my spine. He returned his hands to my lower back by pulling his knuckles down the sides of my back, and then guided his hands in an oval shaped pattern. He did it five or six times before curling his fingers inward and rubbing his knuckles on my back. He rubbed in between my shoulder blades with his thumbs, and I moved my right hand up and down his leg. Steve continued the massage by pinching the back of my neck and the bottom of my scalp.
“Hubby, you haven’t given me a massage like this since I was pregnant.” I whispered, and Steve hummed, gently pecking the back of my neck as his hands pinched my shoulders taking care of all the knots.
“Sorry, Darling.” He said into my neck gently kissing it.
Steve moved his hands down the sides of my spin using the heels of his palms and then moved them back up several times. He repeated the whole massage once more, taking out the rest of my knots, and he gently placed his hands on my stomach. He started to kiss my collar bone, leaning forward, causing the hair on his head to brush against my cheek and neck. I sighed at the feeling of his body wrapped around mine. It was soft and warm, as usual, and I never wanted to leave. I just wanted to sit in Steve's arms with Peggy in my lap, and Peter and Kelsey at my sides.  
"I love you so much." I whispered as Steve kissed my shoulder blades.
"Thank you." I whispered, and Steve smiled.
"Of course. Hey, I think there is still some wine left." Steve whispered, and I kissed the side of Steve's face before hurring to the bathroom.
I realized the bathtub was still full, and I drained it garbbing the wine glasses and wine bottle. I walked back into the bedroom, and Steve smiled at me.
"You make me feel so special when you look at me like that every time I entered the room." I sighed, and Steve smiled.
"I'm glad. A man like you deserves to feel special." Steve smiled, and I kissed him pushing him back on the bed.
He giggled, and I smiled on his soft lips. I then sat up and currled into Steve's lap. I pulled some wine into the glasses and handed it to Steve. He took a sip, and I sighed resting my head on his shoulder. Steve took another sip of his drink before placing it on the night stand. He then lifted my left arm up, and he gently kissed each of my fingers. He then kissed the back of my hand before the palm. He pecked my wrist, and I smiled pressing my forehead to Steve's temple. He gently kissed my shoulder to my neck, and he made his way around and down my right arm. I lifted my chin and kissed Steve's ear, moving it between my teeth. I smiled as I pulled my teeth off, and Steve looked at me with a smile. He gently kissed me, and I ran my fingers through his hair.
"Do you wanna get Peggy?" I asked, and Steve chuckled.
"Missing our little girl already?" He asked, and I rolled my eyes.
"I was the same with Peter and Kelsey." I reminded, and Steve smiled.
'Then they got older and stoped wanting to hang out with you?" Steve teased.
"No. They still hang out with Dad, it's old man Pop that got boring." I smirked, and Steve's eyes got wide.
"I'm not boring." He gasped.
I scoffed, and Steve pinched my butt.
"I'm not boring. I took the kids out to Dave & Busters yesterday, and they loved it." Steve said, and I nodded.
"Okay. Maybe not that boring." I shrugged, and Steve rolled his eyes.
"Here. Tomorrow, we're going to Coney Island as my goodbye. Or is that too boring for the great Tony Rogers?" He asked, and I groaned.
"I almost forgot about the mission. I don't want you to go, Capsicle." I whimpered, and Steve kissed my temple a few times.
"I'll call every night if I can. I can't give you updates, but I'll do it just to let you know I'm okay." He said between kisses, and I sighed.
"Ugh. I still don't want you to go. The kids will miss you." I whispered, and Steve smiled.
He pecked my lips and said, "I'll miss the kids too."
"Yeah, but I'm gonna miss you too." I complained, and Steve sighed.
"I'll miss you too. So we'll make most of tomorrow." He said, and I nodded.
"Stevie." I whispered cuddling as close as I could into my husband, and I put my drink on the bedside table.
We sat for a few seconds, and I huffed.
"I'm getting Peggy." I annouced, and Steve chuckled.
"Go ahead."

Thank you all for reading! I love reading your comments!!! You're all great! Love ya!

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