Chapter Twenty-six

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Kelsey’s POV

    I am having the best girls morning with Auntie Tasha and Tetya Wanda.  We went to the mall before the boys woke up and we first shopped at American Eagle, using Dada’s credit card, which I feel guilty about, but he would probably buy me all that anyway. Our next stop was Forever 21 and I couldn’t wait.

    “We have to get you some winter clothes, that’s the one thing your dad won’t buy you.” Auntie Tasha said. I looked around at all the clothes and smiled.

    “I think we are going selding today.” Tetya Wanda said adjusting her sunglasses on the top of her baseball cap.

    “Before I get winter clothes I need the Avengers undercover wear.” I teased, looking around the store.

Both of my Aunts looked at me and raised their eyebrows. I snorted. They were both wearing the same thing. Wanda had a army green and white plaid shirt that she wore over a black shirt. She had a matching baseball cap that had no symbol or anything on it. Natasha had a black shirt underneath a striped jacket. On top she had a gray jacket. Her sunglasses were tucked in her jacket pocket and her pregnant stomach was slightly noticeable.

    “Oh c’mon you all wear the same thing. Hoodie or jacket, sunglasses or regular glasses, and a labelless baseball cap. And before you say anything you all do it.” Both of the girls laughed looking at their outfits, and I did too.

    “Okay, let’s find some undercover wear for Kelsey.” Wanda said and looked around the store.

We all spotted a bunch of baseball caps with all different labels and walked over. Two caught my eye right away. The first was a black cap that said “PUNK” in capital white letters. The other was a gray one that read, “AC/DC” in bold red letters.

    “I liked the black one.” Wanda said holding it in her hand. I nodded and looked back at the “AC/DC” one.

    “What do you think Tasha?” I asked.

Getting no answer I looked up at my Aunt and say her eyeing a man. She then wrapped her arm around my shoulders put her arm into Wanda’s.

    “Don’t look at the man in the black jacket, he has a gun.” I moved my head slightly to look at him and Natasha pinched my shoulder.

    “Don’t look at the man. God you just like your Uncle Bucky.” She sighed.

    “At least she’s not her parents, if she were she would have made herself known.” Wanda defended and Auntie Tasha nodded her head.

    “Can you get the gun Wanda?” Natasha asked. Wanda spun around looking at the guy through the many hats. She then lifted one of her hands, but before she could do anything a gun shot fired. I jumped and turned around to see the man holding the gun towards the ceiling.

    “Screw it.” Auntie Tasha said turning around. She took off her jacket and handed it to me.

    “Stay safe, if anything happens to you I don’t know what I would do with myself let alone what your parents would.” I nodded and Wanda handed me her hat.

    “Everyone down!” Auntie Tasha hissed, running out. Everyone immediately obeyed and the man turned to Tasha.

    “Ah, trying to protect people I see. How sweet.” He hissed.

    “Who said she was the only one?” Tetya Wanda asked her red power floating around her hand. The man looked at both of them and he gestured his head forward. Five more shots fired and five people emerged from different stores.

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