Chapter Twenty-four

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TIME SKIP: Family day

Peter’s POV

My alarm woke me up and usually I would of been mad at the fact that I had to go to school to get beaten up, but today was going to be different. Today was family day, were your parents get to come to school, and I was going to make Flash sorry for ever making fun of me and my gay dads! I jumped out of bed, accidently landing on the ceiling. I flipped down and grabbed a blue, white, and green plaid shirt and black jeans. I then put on some green high tops and walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth. When I walked past my parents’ room I remembered I had to ask Dad if he would need a wheelchair or not to get around the school. I walked in slamming the door behind me and saw Pop moving on top of Dad, both of them shirtless.

Both of their heads snapped towards me when the door shut, and Dad then pulled Pop’s head down and yelled, “Professional wrestling move.” I felt my cheeks get red as I ran out. I grabbed my backpack out of Kelsey and I’s playroom. Then I went into the kitchen were Pop was as red as a tomato, and Dad was being taught how to hide hickeys by Aunt Natasha for the millionth time, while feeding Peggy. I grabbed a granola bar and said goodbye to everyone, after having to listen to Pop and Dad ramble an apology. Then I ran out of the house to Wade’s car that was waiting in the driveway, and I told him what I saw Pop and Dad doing.

“That’s some serious shit.” Wade laughed and I nodded my head.
"Maybe one day our kids will catch us?" Wade winked completely teasing which sent a knife to my heart because it would be amazing to call wadr just my boyfriend.
When we got to home room I waved to Ned, as Wade and I sat down.

“I have some announcements.” Mrs.Nelson said, and we all quieted down.

“Today is family day, I want everyone to treat the adults that are coming with respect.” She warned, and I could hear Flash snickering in the background causing Wade to shoot him a dirty look.

“Am I understood?” Mrs.Nelson asked.
We all nodded our heads and then we got to work on our bellringers. When the bell rang Wade, Ned, and I raced out of the classroom to the front of the school. We sat under a tree as we watched the parents come in.

I had to admit I was nervous. My parents were the only gay parents at school and as far as I knew Dad was the only man that could get pregnant.

“Hey, Wade!” My friends and I  heard the Wilsons say behind us as they hugged Wade. Then Ned’s partners came.

“Hi honey” Mrs. Leeds said hugging Ned.

“Hello Mr. and Mrs. Leeds.” Wade and I said in sync, causing me to blush.

“Hey Peter, and Wade.” they said back. Then they left to the place parents had to go and we waited for Pop, and Dad to show up.

“The aren’t showing up are they?” Flash asked from behind the tree.

“Probably, don’t have the balls to do it, right homo?”  One of his friends from behind him asked.

I looked down, and Ned said, “Leave him alone!”

“Like you’ll do anything?” Flash snorted. Then Flash started to punch us and we tried fighting back, but more and more of his friends came, and I knew I could not use my powers. We then heard a loud whoosh, and we looked at the tree that had Pop’s shield stuck in it.

“The fuck?” Flash asked then he turned around and where was Pop and Dad in their suits.

"Hiya Flashy." Dad said, and Wade chuckled.

Flash looked confused and stammered, “What, how, why are you here?”  

“Protecting our son.” said Pop.

“Your son?” Then Flash took a step back and pretending he didn't know who my parents were this whole time. “Peter Rogers. YOUR PETER FUCKING ROGERS!”  Flash yelled.

“Yes he is Peter fucking Rogers, and you are going to stop bullying him.” Pop hissed.  

“Y-yes sir.” Flash nervously said, and then him and his friends ran away. Next thing I knew, Pop had run over to me and was moving my face checking for injuries along with kissing my cuts and bruises.

“Pop!” I complained brushing his hand away.

Dad put a hand on Ned's and Wade's shoulders and asked “Are you guys ok?” They nodded their heads and then there was an announcement for all students to go to the gym.

Pop quickly took of his suit exposing normal clothes underneath and looked at Dad saying, “Are you okay?"

“Yeah, I’m just glad I could fit in the suit, two days after waking up from a coma, after giving birth.” Dad said. He then looked at the Avengers tower, with a sigh.

“Peggy’s fine, I mean I lived like that until my late twenties.” Pop whispered and kissed Dad. I rolled my eyes running with my friends to the gym, my parents following.
The rest of the day was so much fun. Pop and Dad talked about what it was like to be a superhero and other parents talked about their jobs. We then played fun games like bag races, family fotbal, Gril V. Boy volleyball, and, darts. It was the best day of school I had had in a while.

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