Chapter Thirty

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TIMR SKIP: two months later

Tony's POV

  "Do you think Peter's been acting weird lately?" I asked, watching as Steve put our clothes away.
   "Well his boyfriend has been getting treatment for two months. It's okay that he is a little mopey." Steve said, and I shook my head as Peggy started to fuss in my arms.
   "That's not what I mean. It's been happening with Kelsey too. They've both been...different. Almost as if they're guilty." I said.
   Steve looked back at me with a shrug and walked out of our large closet. He put the white basket in the pile and made his way over to Peggy and I, picking up some of the little stuff animals she had thrown on the floor.
   "I guess they have been acting a little differently. Kelsey's been in the gym a lot more often." Steve agreed.
   "Hey," Natasha said walking into the room. Her large baby bump poked out from under her fire red tank top. Her sweatpants hung loosely on her legs, and her hair was thrown in a messy bun. The bags under her eyes were slightly visible, and I knew just how she felt waiting for the baby to arrive.
   "Have you seen these new superhero videos on the internet?" She asked walking over to us and handing me her Stark Tech tablet.
   Steve sat next to me, and Peggy reached out for him with her chubby hand. Steve held out his finger for our little girl, and she wrapped her hand around it. Steve smiled down at her before kissing Peggy's head. He took the tablet from Nat, and we both watched the video. It was of a boy dressed in a blue jumpsuit and red hoodie. He had black goggles that covered his eyes and a hood that covered the rest of his face. The boy was swinging from building to building with some sort of string. There was then something flying next to the boy. It was a person dressed in all black. The suit looked made out fabric along the torso and legs, but the chest, arms, and shoulder blades were in some type of shinning metal. The person -which looked to be female- had a black helmet that looked like a more condensed version of an arstonaunt's helmet. It had a purple visor for the eyes, and I saw a small buldge by the left ear that I guessed to be a communication source. The source of the girl's flight was from several thrusters on her back, which could be improved.
I looked up at Steve who's eyes were darting around the video screen. His eyebrows were drawn tightly together, and he glanced up at Natasha. She had a smirk on her lips and one of her eyebrows lifted.
   "Are they superheroes or what?" Steve asked, and Natasha shrugged.
   "I dunno. They're going viral though, and, from the looks of it, they are just kids." She said, and I nodded.
   "Don't need these kids doing something stupid. I'll try looking into who they are." I said, and Natasha nodded.
   "Sounds good to me. Now this is not the only reason I came up here." She said, and I heard a small snore from Peggy.
  "See, just like you. I told you." I whispered to Steve, and he rolled his eyes.
   "What did you need Natasha?" Steve asked.
   "How'd you get your baby out of your ass?" She groaned, and Steve gasped.
   "Language." He hissed, and Natasha rolled her eyes.
   "Oh c'mon Rogers. Don't pretend you've never cursed. When you and your husband are..." Natasha looked down at Peggy. "...fonduing, you yell a lot of those bad language words." She finished, and Steve's cheeks dusted a slight pink.
   "Just don't cuss in front of Peggy." He whispered, ducking his head in embarrassment.
   "Yeah, Imma sorry about that." She said, and I smirked.
   "Bout the whole baby question: she kinda just came." I shrugged, and Natasha rolled her eyes.
   "Well that doesn't really help because I'm a week past my due date, and I feel like a freaking whale!" Her voice raised towards the end of her sentence waking up Peggy, and I scowled at her.
   "Nat, I just got her to go to sleep." I complained, and Natasha whispered an apology.
   "Let me see." Steve said, and I handed Peggy off to him.
   He then got up and walked Peggy to her room. I sighed standing up, and I ran my hand through my hair.
   "Well maybe try walking around, or doing exercises. That's what I did." I said, and she nodded.
  "I'll help you." I offered, and Natasha nodded with a smile.
   We started walking out of the room, and once we were in the hallway, she got a contraction. She rolled her eyes holding onto her stomach.
   "I. Hate. This." She grumbled.
"I know, I know. It fucking sucks." I said.
   "Language." Steve whispered, poking his head out of Peggy's door.
   "Do you have a radar or something?" I asked, and Steve rolled his eyes going back into Peggy's room.
   "Nat? Oh there you are lyubit'." Bucky said walking over to Natasha.
   He gently kissed her temple and bent down to kiss Natasha's stomach. Natasha giggled, her ears turning red, and I smirked.
   "Two minutes!" Steve excalimed in a whisper, coming out of our youngest girl's room.
   "Really? I aspire to get her to go to bed that quickly." I sighed, and Steve smiled.
   He gently kissed my cheek, and I wrapped his arms around me, leaning back into him. The elevator then chimed, and Peter walked into the hallway.
   "Hey Buddy." Steve said, and Peter looked up.
   "Hi Pop." He smiled, and I furrowed my brows.
   "How was school?" I asked, and Peter nodded his head.
   "It was fine. Kelsey's got some news." Peter said, and I raised an eyebrow.
   "Oh does she? Well what about you, squirt?" I asked, and Peter sighed.
   "I have some homework." Peter said, and I raised am eyebrow.
   "Pete, we're your parents. What's wrong?" Steve asked, and Peter huffed crashing his head against my abdomen.
   "They took Wade off the class list." He mumbled, and I sighed.
   "I'm sorry donut." I whispered, rubbing up and down my son's back.
  "What if he's really gone? Like if he doesn't come back? Like he gets hurt and can't come back? Or, or what if he goes to a new school? And, and at his new school he makes new friends? And what if there is this new guy...or girl...or non-binarey person he meets? Then he's gonna fall in love, have children, get a cat, and die happy with his new person he meets in this place they took him to, and he forgets about me!" Peter's voice cracked at the end of his little rant.
   "Why would they get a cat?" Bucky asked.
   Peter looked up at him with a pathetic frown. "Because they wanted a cat." He whispered, and I sighed.
   "Don't worry Pete, nothing's gonna happen." Natasha said.
   "They're right. I'm sure Wade's just fine, have you tried calling him?" Steve asked.
   "No. I thought I couldn't if he's getting treated." Peter answered, and I smirked at him.
   "Call him you coward." Kelsey said walking into the hallway.
   "Shut up." Peter hissed, and she shrugged.
   "C'mon Peter, he's your boyfriend." Kelsey said, side-hugging Steve and I before throwing her backpack into her room.
   "Maybe I will call him." Peter grumbled, and Kelsey shrugged and walked into her room.
   "Hey, Giggles, I heard you had some news?" I said, and Kelsey turned around with a big smile on her face.
   "Well Mr.Rogers, you are looking at the new class president and the girlfriend of Cameron Dallas." Kelsey said holding her hands out.
   "Just like your father." I smirked, and Steve raised an eyebrow.
   "There was no such thing as class president when I was her age, and I never dated anyone named Cameron." Steve said, and I shrugged.
   "Well, President Rogers, how bout a celebration dinner for you?" I asked.
   "Oh can I come, I want food." Natasha said, and Bucky smiled holding her closer to him in his arms.
   "Yeah of course. I'll get the car ready." Steve smiled, and he gently kissed the side of my face.
   Kelsey left to her room, and Peter took out his phone to call Wade following his sister. I walked into Peggy's room, and I took her out of her crib. She let out a small cry, and I gently bounced her.
   "Shhh, Pegs, Mama's right here." I soothed, and Peggy closed her eyes tightly rolling her face into my chest.
   I smiled down at her before gently kissing her chin. Her whining quieted down, and a small smile spread on her lips. I sighed looking down at my baby who had the smile of her father.
   "Hey Tones." Steve said walking in the room with the large diaper bag slung over his shoulder.
   I turned around, and Steve walked over to me. He kissed the top of my head, and our gazes went down to our youngest child. Steve bent his head down so his forehead was against my temple, and he gently pecked it.
   "I love you." He whispered.
   "I love you too." I smiled up at him, and he placed a soft kiss on my lips.
   I then walked Peggy back over to her crib. I picked up her Captain America plushie and then her Iron Man one.
   "Okay Princess, this is the ultimate question: Me or your Pops?" I said, and Peggy opened her large brown eyes.
   She looked at me, and her eyes flicked down to the toys. I placed her down on her diaper changing table and took the toys into one hand each. I wiggled the Iron Man one, and Peggy looked over at it. I then wiggled the Captain America one, and Peggy glanced at it.
   "Mama." I said, moving the Iron Man plushie closer to her. "Or Papa?" I asked, and Peggy looked at that one.
   "Both." She said looked at me, and I smiled.
   "You can't take both to the restaurant Pumpkin." Steve said from behind me, and he wrapped his arms around my waist.
   "Na!" Peggy exclaimed, and I raised an eyebrow.
   "You want your Aunt Nat?" Steve asked walking over to Peggy's shelf of stuffed toys.
   He took down the little black bear that had a Black Widow symbol on the chest. Peggy started clapping as Steve came closer, and I sighed.
   "Fine then Peggy. Chose your Aunt Natasha over me." I huffed, and Peggy took the bear from Steve and started gnawing on its ear.
   "No Peggy don't eat that." I said trying to take the bear, but the moment my fingers touched it Peggy started to wail.
   "Okay, I won't take it away." I said holding up my hands.
   "Good thing she doesn't have teeth yet." Steve said, and I nodded.
    "Yeah, if she ate what was inside the bear, we would have a problem." I said, and Steve smiled at our little girl.
   I picked up her diaper bag and put it over my shoulder. Steve walked over to Peggy and scooped her up. Our baby girl let out a little scream before laughter filled the air. I smiled as Steve held Peggy close to him, and Peggy started sucking on her bear's ear again.
   "Just like you, Hubby." I smirked, and a light blush coated Steve's neck at cheeks.
   I smirked, walking out of the room, and I saw Peter and Kelsey sitting in the hallway. Peter was crying, and his sister had his arms around him.
   "Hey, kiddo? What's wrong?" I asked, and Peter lifted his head.
   "Wade's number has been disconnected. I can't reach him." Peter whimpered, and I felt my heart clench in sympathy for my son.
   "Hey, Slugger. It's gonna be okay. Come here." Steve said, and Peter hugged my husband.
   Kelsey took Peggy, and I joined Steve and Peter's hug. I squeezed my son tightly, and I started laying kisses on his hair.
   "Your kidding me?" I heard Natasha groan, and I looked over at her.
   "What's wrong?" Bucky asked, and Natasha took a step back. Water ran out of her pant leg, and Bucky's face turned pale.
   "Shit," He muttered. "we're having a baby."

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