Chapter Fourteen

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Peter’s POV

    I was so, excited! I was going to go to school, for the first time and I was going to make so many new friends.

I was bouncing in my seat looking out the car window when we pulled up. Daddy picked up Kelsey and opened the car door for me, while Pop climbed out of the seat in front of me. I grabbed my backpack and Pop’s hand as we walked into the classroom, like all the other parents and kids were doing. Pop was whispering something to Daddy, his arm wrapped around him and Daddy looked back at me, as I noticed that no other families looked like ours. Everybody had a mom and a dad not two dads. I immediately got nervous thinking that nobody would like me because I had two dads, and I looked up at Pop.

He looked back down at me squeezed my hand lightly reassuring, “Don’t be nervous Buddy.” I let out a breath and nodded, squeezing his hand back as we walked into the classroom. Pop then let go of my hand and him and Daddy walked up to the teacher, so they could talk about my allergies. I found a seat with Kelsey’s help and Pop and Daddy came over to me.

“We love you squirt!” Daddy said, as Pop picked up Kelsey.

“Have a fantastic day!” He added. They then both kissed me and walked out as my little sister waved, and I smiled.

    When it was recess time I sat on the playground under a tree, alone, and drew in the book Pop had given me. A kid with dirty blonde hair, and brown eyes, ran over to me giggling, and smiling.

“Hey I’m Wade.” he said holding out his dirt covered hand.

I smiled back, shaking his hand, and introduced, “Hi, I’m Peter!”

“Wanna be friends?” Wade asked with big eyes. I nodded my head and he said “Great” sitting down next to me.

“What’cha drawing?” he asked.

“My family,” I said.

“There is my Pop, my Daddy, and my little sister Kelsey.” I said pointing to each person.

I looked at Wade who said, “Cool!” and I smiled, glad that he hadn’t asked questions about my two dads. I then heard some leaves crunching under somebody's shoes and looked up with a smile as I saw a girl with curly brown hair ran over.

“Hi, I’m Devyn!’” She chirped. She had tan skin and brown eyes, that were sparkling. She had a white t-shirt with a little ballerina on it, and a short pink skirt that looked super fluffy.

“Can I play with yo-” She attempted to ask, but was then cut off by a huge explosion sound. I looked towards the sound to see a huge fire, and a spaceship above the school.

“Whoa,” Wade said and then my teacher Mrs.Jones ran out and yelled, “Everybody inside NOW!” We all ran inside and once everyone was in the classroom she turned off the lights, locked the door, and turned on the TV. I sat next to Wade, and Devyn watching the TV closely wondering, as Daddy would say, what the hell was going on?

On the TV was the explosion and the spaceship.

There was a man in front of it who was saying, “I’m Robert Maxon reporting to you live from Montessori School of New York International, where what looks to be a Spacecraft has landed. Here is Iron Man a.k.a Mr.Tony Stark, let’s see if he knows what is going on.” as the camera then turned to face Daddy I grumbled under my breath “It’s Rogers”. I didn’t understand why everybody called him Stark he was clearly married to Pop and no matter how many times Daddy and Pop would correct people, they always got it wrong.

When the screen was on Daddy I saw that he was in his Iron Man suit, and his helmet was open to show his face.

“Hello, we do not know if this is a threat. They appear to be aliens form an uncharted planet-” Daddy was then cut off by a painful cry from Uncle Clint. Daddy looked back at the screen and said the next part really quickly.

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