Chapter Thirty-seven

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Kelsey's POV

   "Kels!" I heard Caymen call as I climbed out of Dad's Ferrari F60.
   I turned to see him running towards me, his heavy backpack jostling in different directions with every step. I hugged him tightly, and he pulled away with a smile.
   "I'm so happy you're back!" I excalimed, and Caymen nodded.
   "I know! I missed you." He complained.
   "How was Wakanda?" I asked, lowering my voice, before turning around and waving goodbye to my dad.
   "Great. T'Challa is still lame, Shuri is awesome, and I still believe her lab is better then your dad's, and Mama missed me." He said, and I nodded.
   "So everyone is good?" I asked walking to my locker.
   "Yeah. Shuri says she misses you, by the way." Caymen said, and I chuckled opening my locker.
   "I hope so. Her little brother is my best friend, and she is one of my best firends too." I pointed out, and Caymen nodded.
   "Why did you go there again?" I wondered as my locker popped open, and Caymen groaned.
   "To be with family." He said in a high pitch mock of someone's voice. "Now, because I was 'with family' I have a shit ton of homework."
   "Sorry. I can help you ya know? With the homework." I shrugged walking to PE class.
   "Yeah, I know, I know. But, why does Mr.González have to give us a one hundered page essay at the same time we have to make a presentation in chemistry?" Caymen complained, and I giggled.
   "Welcome to high school Cay." I smirked, and he rolled his eyes.
   "Shut up. You are not even supposed to be here. You are two years younger than everyone here, in all the gifted and honors classes, and going on that retreate thingy." Caymen grumbled waving his hands around dramatically.
   "Well maybe you should study harder." I teased, and Caymen stopped outside the door of the boy's locker room.
   "Exuse me, but not everyone's dad can be Tony Rogers, the smartest man in the world." Caymen said, and I rolled my eyes.
   "Dad isn't the one making me smart. Plus, your older brother is going to be king of the most advance nation in like two years. Your sister is probably one of the smartest people in the world. And your a prince. Stop acting like you are under privileged your majesty." I said with an over exaggerated bow before I walked into the girls locker room.
   I walked over to my locker, and I threw my backpack inside. I pulled out my gym shorts, and I pushed my ripped jeans down. I shimmed the gym shorts over my hips before replacing my "Anti-social Goth Gang" shirt with the "Midtown High Physical Education" shirt. I then heard the familair cackle of Kitty and her followers.
   Kitty was the most popular girl in school and probably the most annoying. Her really name was Kylee, but she claimed to be as cute as a cat so she forced people to call her "Kitty". Personaly I thought it was all stupid. She was dating Johnny Storm -who everyone knew was a playboy. Everytime she entered the room she realised this witch chackle that sounded like she was trying to giggle but doing a horrible job at it. Kitty had a party every firday night, and if you were not invited the school deemed you as a loser. Peter and I were never invited to the parties, and, frankly, I never cared. When she has two amazing, supportive dad's that happen to be superheroes, and she lives in the Avengers Tower, than her attempts at being mean to me will matter.
She was laughing overly obnoxious today, and I was just about to walk past her to the gym when she started to make a sniffing noise.
   "What is that disgusting smell?" She asked, in her high pitched voice.
   "Is that..." She then started towards me.
   I rolled my eyes as she sniffed at the air around me, and I looked down at my watch waiting for her to finish.
   "'s the gay." She grimced, and I rolled my eyes wishing for the days to come back where she had better attacks.
   "Hell yeah it's the gay." I smirked, turning around to look at her.
   "You only wish you had it." I teased, and Kitty's left lip flared up.
   I walked out of the locker room. In the gym I saw a bunch of kids sitting in the bleechers. I noticed Peter in the middle by Ned, and I ran over to them. I went up the stairs, going two at a time, until I reached where they were. I plopped next to Peter and smiled.
  "Hey, Kelsey." Peter smiled, and Ned turned around.
  "Or should I say Mr.Vibranium" Ned whispered, and I rolled my eyes.
  "You gotta be quiet about that." Peter hissed, and I felt a hand on my shoulder.
   "Be quiet about what?" Caymen asked, and I looked behind me at him.
   "-Peter and Kelsey are superheroes!" Ned whispered, and Peter and I both looked at him with wide eyes.
   "You weren't gonna tell me?" Caymen yelled, and I slapped his arm.
   " weren't gonna tell me?" He whispered, and I gave Ned a death stare.
   "No. Ned wasn't even supposed to know." Peter hissed, and Ned flushed a pink all the way up to his ears.
   "I thought he could know considering that his older brother is a king and stuff." Ned muttered, and I sighed.
   "He's not a king." Caymen scoffed, and I chose to ignore him.
   "You are not allowed to tell anyone else." Peter hissed to Ned, and Caymen looked up shaking his head.
   "What?" I asked, and he made several tsk tsk sounds with his tongue.
  "I just....I'm offended that you didn't tell me." He said, and I rolled my eyes.
  "I'm sorry your highness." I said, and Caymen nodded.
  "You better be." He smirked down at me, and I rolled my eyes.
  "Okay everybody." Couch Munch yelled coming out of his office with a TV.
  "Today we are going to have a fitness challange." He annouced after the gym had fell silent, and Couch Munch had the small TV in front of all of us.
  I sat up striaght turning away from Caymen, and Couch Munch pressed a button on the side of the TV. The television turned on before flickering off, and he groaned. The whole class watched in silence as Couch Munch sturggled with truning the TV. He pressed the button twice, having the TV flicker on then flick off. He then got a remote from a little shelf on the cart the TV was reasting on, and he pressed the "ON" button. When the TV didn't turn on, Couch Munch took a step back and tried again. He did this three more times before it finally came to life, and Couch Munch tried to put the VHS tape in with the smae amout of struggles. Peter sent a glance in my direction, and I shook my head, the corner of my lips turning up.
  "Sorry." Ned whispered leaning in to me, and I leaned into him.
  "It's fine." I whispered back, and the TV finaly started working.
  "Okay everybody. We are going to watch a video on our fitness challange." Couch Munch annouced, and he pressed the play button on the remote.
  The television's screen flashed with a picture of Papa, and I furrowed my eyebrows as he started speaking.
  "Hi. I'm Captain America. Whether if you’re in the classroom or on the field you must know the difference between success or failure. Today, my firend, your gym teacher..." He said pointing to the opposite side of the screen from where Couch Munch was. "...will be contducting the Captain America fitness challange." Papa continued, and I put my hand over my mouth to hide to laughter.
  "Oh God." I whimpered, and I heard Caymen start to laugh behind me.
  "Now fitness is a very important thing, especally in your age." Papa said, and I let out a small wheeze.
  "Take it from me, someone who used to be a sickly, little kid."
  I placed my forhead on my knees, letting out a little snicker.
  "Now, let's get working." Papa gave a cheesy smile to the camera before a salute, and the whole classroom slowly turned around to look at Peter and I.
  I burst into a fit of giggles, and Peter slapped my shoulder trying to hold in his own laughter. Caymen started laughing behind me, and I looked up at Peter. His face was completely red, and he wheezed into a fit of laughter. We both sat there laughing, with tears, with Caymen and Ned as the whole class looked at us in confusion.
  "We have to show Dad that." I cried, and Peter nodded.
  "Hi, I'm Captain America." He said in a deep voice, and we contiuned laughing.
  "Mr. and Ms.Rogers, care to let me continue class?" Couch Munch sneered, and I bit my bottom lip as Peter tried to shut his laughter up.
  "Go ahead." I whimpered, and I glanced at Peter as Couch Munch continued the video.
  "Get partners." Couch Munch yelled, and I looked back at Caymen.
  "Do you lay eggs?" Ned asked following Peter over to a matt, and I snickered.
  "How's Peggy?" Caymen asked as I laid down with my knees propped up.
  "Good. She's been have less seizures." I said, and Caymen nodded as I started to do sit-ups.
  "How far do your webs shoot?" Ned asked, and I turned my head to him.
  "Ned I get you're curious but can we talk about anything else?" Peter complained, and Ned nodded.
  "Yeah. Sorry." Ned whispered.
  "Oh my God Ned!" Caymen excalimed, and Ned snapped his head to look at us.
  "What?" He wondered.
  "We should be the guys in the chairs." Caymen said, and Ned raised an eyebrow.
  "Like that guy with the head set that tells the other guy what to do?" Ned wondered, and Caymen nodded.
  "We should totally do that!" Ned said, and Peter looked at me.
  "Think about it, if you guys are stuck in a burning building..." Caymen started.
  "...we could tell you how to get out." Ned finished.
  "We already have FRIDAY." I said, and Ned furrowed his brow.
  "Who's FRIDAY?" He asked.
  "You stole FRIDAY?" Caymen laughed as Peter explained FRIDAY to Ned.
  A girl then skipped past us to Betty, Liz, Kitty, and a few other girls. Caymen looked up at them, and I could not help but listen into their conversation.
  "F Thor, Marry Iron Man, and kill Hulk." I heard Betty say, and Ned looked over at her.
  "Eww, people talk about that? Those are my family members." I whispered to Caymen, and he shrugged.
  "What about the Spider-Man?" One of the girls asked.
  Peter froze mide sit-up, and he looked back at the group of girls. I looked at Peter with a smirk, and he did a few more sit-ups once one of the girls turned their head to look at him.
  "It's not just Spider-Man. Did you see that security tape?" Liz asked. "He fought off four guys!"
  I smirked at Peter as he stared at the girls.
  "With the help of that Iron Girl." One of them pointed out, and I scoffed.
  "Why do people keep saying girl?" I wondered.
  "Because you are only fourteen." Caymen said, and I rolled my eyes.
  "It was still pretty cool." Liz continued speaking, and Peter turned giving a glance at Ned.
  "She's curshing on Spider-Man." Betty giggled.
  "Oh my God. No." Another girl said.
  "Well...kinda." Liz said, and Peter snapped his head in my direction.
  "Gross, he's probably like thrity." Betty said, and I scoffed.
  "Iron Man is forty, bisexual, and has two kids, but you wanted to fuck him." I whispered to Caymen, and he snorted.
  "Sexy." I teased, and he rolled his eyes.
  "You don't even know what he looks like. Like what if he is like seriously bruned?" Someone asked, and Ned and Peter started whispering.
  "I wouldn't care. I still love him for the person on the inside?" Liz said, and Peter shook his head with wide eyes.
  "I can't Ned." He said a little louder.
  "Please?" He whispered, and Peter shook his head.
  "What about Wade?" He asked, and Ned looked down.
  The boy lowered the voice again and started arguing, and I looked at Caymen confused.
  "We could get so invited to so many parties." Caymen whispered, and I raised an eyebrow.
  "Why would we want to go to parties?" I whispered, and Caymen shrugged.
  "I dunno, because we're teenagers, and we need to have fun." He said, and I ran a hand through my hair.
  "We have fun."
  "Sitting in your room geeking out over sience, watching TV, and playing video games should not be the highlight of High School. If you said you were going to have a party we would be the most popular people in the school because who doesn't want to go to a party at the Avenger's Tower?" Caymen said.
  "I wouldn't want to go to that party, and why do you want to be popular?" I wondered.
  "Because I want to do something with other teenagers." Caymen argued, and I raised an eyebrow.
  "We don't need other peoples approval to be succesful." I said, and Caymen rolled his eyes.
  "In High School you do. Just think about it. We wouldn't get bullied, people would know we exsit," Caymen started to list on his fingers, and I tuned him out doing my sit-ups.
  "You're not listening." He deadpaned, and I nodded.
  "Nope." I answered, and he gurnted.
  "Fine then." Caymen smiled, and his eyes glistened in a way that I knew he was going to do something crazy.
  "Peter and Kelsy know Spider-Man." Caymen yelled, and Peter's eyes grew wide.
  The whole classroom went silent, and I glared at Caymen.
  "No. Not really. I mean he know's my dad. But we don't really speak to the superheroes." Peter tried to cover.
  "Yeah, and Couch Munch and Captain America are friends." Flash scoffed, and Caymen looked at me with big eyes.
  "We've met him," I started, and Peter looked at me with his eyebrows knitted together.
  "Our parents are friends with him. And he's not old. He's like our age." I shrugged, and Peter nodded slowly.
  "Yeah. We aren't supposed to talk about it." He hissed looking back at Caymen before scowling at me.
  "You should invite him to Liz's party." Flash hissed, and Caymen snickered.
  "I told you." He whispered, and I rolled my eyes.
  "Yeah I'm having people over tonight. You guys are welcome to come." Liz shrugged, and I got up before walking over to Peter.
  "A party?" Peter asked Liz with wide eyes.
"Yeah, it's gonna be dope. You should totally invite Spider-Man." Flash said.
  "It's okay. I know the Rogers are way to busy for parties anyway." Liz said, and Caymen pinched my elbow.
  "We'll be there." Caymen spoke up, and Ned nodded an agreement.
  "All the way." He smiled giving Liz a thumbs up.
  "Thanks for inviting us." Peter mumbled, and the school bell rang.
  We all ran to our locker rooms and got dressed in our regular clothes.
  "Kelsey Mia Rogers what was that?" Peter gasped once we walked out of the locker room.
  "I actually invited us to a party." Caymen smirked, and I felt a tap on my shoulder.
  I turned around to see Cameron, and she smiled at me. I waved, and Caymen, Peter, and Ned waved as well.
  "Dad's gonna kill us." Peter murmered.
  Cameron looked at me confused, and I started telling her what happened in sign language. She nodded once I was done, and I turned back to Peter.
  "Why would Dada kill us?" I wondered.
  "'s a party."
  "Exactly it's just a party. Have a little fun." Caymen begged, and I continued to translate to Cameron.
  "Party? I wanna go to a praty!" Cameron signed with a smile.
  "Peter come on. The popular girls have a cursh on Spider-Man! It'll be fun." Ned said, and Peter looked at me.
  "You of all people want to go to this party too?" He asked, and I looked at Caymen.
  "Please, please, please, Kelsey! I love you." Caymen pleaded wrapping his arms around me, and I stared blankly at Peter.
  "It'll be fun, Peter!" Ned said, and Peter groaned with an over dramatic eye roll.
  "Okay, Dada." I teased, and Peter sighed.
  "Fine. I'll go." He grunted, and Caymen gasped letting go of me and pulling Peter in a tight hug.
  "We have to ask Dada though." I called after Peter as he turned down a hallway to his second period class.
  "He'll say yes. It can't be that different than a Stark Industries party." Caymen said, and I waved goodbye to him before going to my Health class with Cameron.

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