Chapter Nineteen

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Sorry I didnt do this last time I forgot but there is Mpreg in this story just a small warning if that makes you uncomfertable! Thanks for reading!

Tony’s POV

    Today was the day Steve and I were going to find out the gender of our baby. I ran to the bathroom like I always did, being followed by Steve. He rubbed my back as I threw up, and I stood up. I looked in the mirror at my baby bump and sighed remembering all the mean things people were calling me on the internet. Steve stood up wrapping me in his arms, and the hormones began to hit.

    “WHY THE HELL DO YOU LOVE ME?” I snapped. Steve took a step back and rolled his eyes. “Why do we have to do this every morning?”
      I huffed squeezing my fists and looked away from the Captain.

    “I SUCK! I AM SO DEPENDANT AND ALL I DO IS SIT IN THAT GODDAMN LAB!” I grunted. Steve sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

    “Tony, I love you, and I tell you that everyday. You are the love of my life my world, and I married you for a reason, NOW STOP LISTENING TO THOSE GODDAMN NEWS REPORTS!” He snapped.


    “I’ll be in the gym.” Steve said rubbing his temple and walking into our bedroom.

I hated how my hormones turned me on, no matter what that man did, and still made me hate him. Right now, Steve couldn’t be sexier and I hated that. He always wore just pants or boxers to bed, making his perfect muscles be out on display. Right now all I wanted to do was pounce on him and kiss him as much as he would allow, but I was mad at him for some reason so I couldn’t let him win.

I stomped out of the bathroom, after I threw up twice more. I crossed my arms looking at Steve as he pulled a white army t-shirt over his head. He looked at me once more before walking out of the room, and I heard him slam the door to the gym on our floor.

I then sat on the bed trying to be mad, but just feeling guilty. I could hear Peter in his room talking to himself about school, and I heard Kelsey in the shower singing her heart out just like my husband. I then started to think about Steve again, and how I would go into the bathroom to sing with him, and all the guilt washed over me. I felt my eyes fill up with tears and I knew that there was no use holding them back. I put my head in my hands and cried for about twenty minutes before the sad hormones faded away. I stood up sniffling and sulked to the gym. Before I entered I looked down and held onto my small baby bump, thinking about just how beautiful the baby was going to be because of how handsome my husband was.

    “Honey?” I whispered as I walked in. I noticed him in the conner punching at a bag, sweat dripping off his perfect body, and his pants outlining his gorgeous ass.

“Stevie?” I whispered once more before Steve punched the bag through the wall. He let out a large breath walking over to the bag and picked it up hanging it back on the hook.

    “Stebe?” I asked almost out of nicknames, and getting slightly annoyed that he wasn’t paying attention to me. Steve turned around looking at me with a sigh.

    “Yes?” He asked. I sighed and felt myself about to cry once more.

    “I’m sorry!” I said bursting into tears, again. Steve turned to me, worried, and wrapped me in his huge arms.

    “I hate when we fight, and I hate yelling at you! I said the stupidest thing ever and you have already showed me that you are more than a fucking experiment! You are the biggest fucking hero of all! Please forgive me?” I begged.

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