Chapter Twenty-two

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IME SKIP: The gala

Tony’s POV

“STEVIE” I called searching the house for my husband. I was nine months pregnant and it felt like the hardest thing I ever did. My stomach bulged out largely. The baby couldn’t stop kicking. I had to go to the bathroom constantly. And threw up at least twenty times a day. Also, every single one of my body parts had swelled up making it impossible to do anything, and I had to wear maternity clothes with was always weird to shop for. The only good this was Steve was always with me and supportive and I had to admit I loved being pampered.

After searching the kitchen, I went to the living room were I found Steve with Kelsey, playing with her barbies. I held my stomach, as the baby kicked hard causing me to let out a little grunt, before stepping into the living room.

“Is it time to go yet?” I asked weakly looking down at my husband, and I bent over in half due to the baby giving me the worst kick yet. Steve got up and wrapped his arms around me, wondering if I was okay.

“Happy will be here with the limo in half an hour.” He whispered into my neck.

“Steve!” I complained. “I don’t wanna go!”

“And you think I want to go? Tony you’re pregnant I don’t wanna force you to go, but we need to go. People put something together every year to show their love for the Avengers and we are going.” He said.

“But...” I complained like a toddler.

“Love, I already have two kids and a third one is on the way, I don’t need you to act like your two years old.” Steve said.

“I am your husband!” I hissed and Steve looked at me giving him me his stupid sassy 40’s eyebrows, that I loved to much.

“As am I, and Tony I love you, but we have to go. They do this every year, and it’s always so nice.” Steve kissed me, and I huffed.

“Fine” I sighed realizing that I was never going to win this fight, and then wrapped my arms around Steve.

“I have to get dressed” I whimpered and then left for my room. I put on my pants and attempted  a white t-shirt. Once I couldn’t get it on I walked down stairs and found Steve on the couch in his Captain Uniform and Kelsey, in a little white dress with a black belt, sitting next to him. The soldier got up and helped me button my shirt, before kissing my bump. Peter then came in with a grey suit and Steve helped me into my crimson blazer.

As the limo arrived Natasha and Bucky emerged from their bedroom. Bucky was wearing a black suit and Natasha had on a red lace dress.

“Looking good preggers,” Natasha laughed, I shot her a dirty look which made her laugh harder and Steve looked at her disappointed and she huffed.

“You’re no fun.” She grumbled and we then waited for Bruce.

When he came down in a dark purple suit he asked me, “How is the baby?” I looked down at the bump unable to see me feet and Steve kissed the side of my head, and set his hands on the sides of my stomach.

“Uh,” I muttered, “I’m ready for it to come out.”

Bruce nodded his head and then Jarvis interrupted the silence, “Mr.Hogan is here Master Rogers.”

“Thanks, Jar.” I called and then we filed into the car.

When we reached the gala it was buzzing with life. There were a million lights and many themed decorations. People of all ages were mingling, all dressed in their fancy clothing.The moment we walked in, the room hushed and we were ambushed by reporters, cameraman, and fans.

There were a million questions like, “When is the baby due?”, “Is it a boy or a girl?”, “What is it’s name going to be?” and many more. Steve got dragged to the back of the room by a bunch of fangirls. There were reporters asking him, why Kelsey has an arc reactor, what it’s like to be an Avenger, how long he had known he was gay, blah, blah, blah. Peter and Kelsey stayed glued to me, and I took Peter’s hand.

“Dad?” Peter asked, “I thought you said this was going to be fun?”

“That was your Pop not me.” I sighed, and waiter handed me a drink. I looked at him confused, and he looked at the drink then back at me.

“Oh, Congratulations on the baby.” He complimented. I arched an eyebrow and told him that pregnant people can’t have drinks.

“Right.” he laughed nervously and then nodded his head and moved on.

That’s when the baby gave me the worst pain yet. It felt like it dropped straight down, or that some unknown force was pulling at my stomach. I sent the kids to Bucky and ran to the bathroom, all my joints feeling extremely loose. I wondered what was happening, as I threw up into the toilet. My back ached and it increased as I began to move causing me to sit back down. Then my water broke and I went into a complete panic.

No, no, no, no! I thought, not now!

I quickly got up and found Natasha waiting outside the bathroom. She looked worried and felt my sweating forehead.

“What’s wrong.” She asked, and I took a deep breath.

“The babies coming.” I half whispered, half moaned. A contraction then hit and she frantically searched for Steve with Bucky while Bruce stayed with me. Natasha and Bucky ran back over unsuccessful, and panting.

“Screw it.” Natasha said cupping her hands around her mouth.

“IRON MAN ISN'T A HERO!!” She shrieked.

The room went silent and Steve popped his head out above the crowd and yelled, “Who the fuck just said that?”

“I did!” Natasha screamed back causing a ringing in my ears. Steve then ran over and his eyes widened when he saw me in pain.

“W-what happened?” he asked crouching down and holding up my face.

“Your god damn...ugh...child is coming!” I yelled at him, and Steve’s eyes got wide.

“Bucky distract them, we don’t need paparazzi following us to the hospital.” he ordered.

Bucky nodded and then Bruce said, “I’ll call Happy.” but Happy was already there. We quickly got into the car, and I had another contraction. I grunted holding the baby bump and Peter and Kelsey grabbed my hands.

“Breath” Steve said. I nodded my head even though I could tell he was talking to himself more than me. I began to breath heavily and then another contraction came. I squeezed my children's hands causing Kelsey to cry out in pain.

I let go and apologized, “I’m so sorry, beautiful.” Then another contraction came and Steve grabbed my outstretched hand.

When we got in the hospital Steve gave the kids to Bruce, and I was wheeled into a room. My husband then followed slamming the door behind him and he grabbed my hand. As another contraction happened I held Steve’s hand as tight as I could, causing a snap.

I looked at him and he chuckled, “You’re strong baby.” I smiled and felt another drop.

“I gotta push!” I yelled.

“You got this Baby.” Steve encouraged, and I nodded.

“Wow, she’s coming out fast.” The doctor said and I rolled my eyes.

“No shit!” I yelled and then bent my head down with a grunt.

“Mr.Rogers, I hate to inform that the pregnancy pain is going to be worse considering your gender.” The doctor said, and I looked up weakly at my husband.

“It’s okay, you got this Darling. I’m going to be here for you the whole time and we’ll get through this.” Steve whispered putting his forehead on mine. I nodded with a grunt and squeezed Steve’s hand.

“Wow, you are already dilated. Sir I’m going to need you to push.” The doctor instructed, and I nodded. I started to push and then pain was horrid.

After six hours of labor I passed out to the sounds of frantic doctors shuffling around me, and Steve’s words of encouragement

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