Chapter Ten

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Tony’s POV

    Steve collapsed to the ground beside me as two people came running towards me. I easily knocked out the first one with a kick and sent a blast to the other. He dodged it and started to shoot at me with a powerful gun. The first two shots made me take a step backwards, but I managed to dodge the last one.

    “Who the hell are you?” I asked sending a blast towards his head. He flipped out of the way and managed to sweep the legs of my Iron Man suit. He had some sort of super human strength but I had no idea how.

    “Doesn’t matter.” He snickered and then ripped off the chest of my Iron Man suit and stuck a automatic syringe into my flesh. As the liquid went into my body my vision started to get blurry and my eyes wanted to close. I tried to keep the open as Jarvis told me about what was happening but I couldn’t focus. I then felt myself crash against the snow covered ground as people started to scream and freak out. I heard a helicopter and felt myself being lifted into a vehicle before all my senses shut down.

    When I woke up I was in a dark room, but that might have been from the bag covering my head. I knew that I wasn’t in my Iron Man suit anymore and that my arms and legs were tied with some kind of metal to a chair. The room was cold and I could hear someone breathing next to me. The breathing wasn’t normal and I could tell the person was in pain. The person let out a grunt and then a moan and I knew immediately who it was.

    “Capsicle?” I asked my words not coming out as strong due to the bag.

    “Ah, Tony it hurts!” He cried and I thrashed my head wanting the bag to come off.

    “What’s happening?” I asked, pulling my wrist upwards trying to get the metal to come off.

    “Jarvis you with us?” I asked, but there was no reply and I could feel the dried blood, from someone taking out my communication device, sticking to my neck.

    “Steve, what’s happening?” I asked pulling harder upwards.

    “I don’t know!” Steve then yelled out in pain and my movements to get out of these bonds became more urgent.

    “Don’t worry Stark, he will be okay. He just might not be able to breath.” A german voice said and I felt something grab the top of the bag. It then was ripped off and I was blinded by an entourage of bright lights. When my focus came back I didn’t even bother to look at who unmasked me and I looked straight over at Steve. He was sitting in a big metal chair, his shirtless body covered in sweat. He was binded across the neck, chest, abdomen, and legs by a glittering metal that could only be vibranium. There were two rows with four green liquid filled bottles on each side of the chair. You could see Steve’s vians in his neck and watch as they slowly crawled down his chest, but they were green like the liquids.

    “What the hell are you doing to my husband?” I hissed snapping my head towards a tall man leaning in front of me on a wall.

    “Giving him what he deserves.” The man sneered and Steve let out another cry.

    “Ugh! Oh my god it hurts! T-tony it hurts!” He yelled and I furrowed my brows. What the hell was the liquid? It must be powerful if it is making Steve complain like that. And what the hell does this guys want?

    “What the hell do you want?” I hissed out loud and the man smirked.

    “For Captain America to die. He killed my father, and so many others and didn’t care to listen to their cries.” He hissed slamming his hand on the wall behind him.

“W-who...ah...was...your...fath-...ahg! What is this stuff!” Steve barely got out and I started to attempt pulling my hand out of their bonds once more.

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