Chapter Thirty-four

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Kelsey's POV

"Did you like the movie?" Cameron asked, in sign language, as we walked out of the theater.
"Yeah, but Star Wars is better." I said using my hands to sign back slowly, still not to great at it.
Cameron gasped and signed "No way. Star Trek is the best."
"My Dad would kill you for saying that. My brother too." I scoffed with an eyeroll, still using my hands, and Cameron sighed.
"That's so sad. Your whole family is corrupted." She signed, and I chuckled.
"Nope. You just can't admit that Star Wars is better." I signed, and Cameron laughed.
We continued walking down the street, and I saw a small ice cream and cookie shop.
"Hey, Cameron," I started, forgetting she was deaf. I tapped her shoulder, and she looked at me with that friendly smile.
"Wanna go over there?"
Cameron looked at the dessert shop and nodded. I took her hand and walked her over to the cross walk. We waited for the walking man to show, and once it did we headed across. We entered the shop, and a woman with short, blonde hair with red streaks poked her head out form the back.
"Hello. Welcome to Katy's Ice Cream and Cookies. Wanna try our Rocky Road?" The woman asked in a overly cheering voice.
Cameron looked at me with a raised eyebrow, and I repeated what the lady said with my hands. Cameron made a fist and shook it up and down to say "yes".
"We'll have one scoop of the Rocky Road, and one of the Chocolate." I ordered, and the woman started making the scoops.
Once she was done, I paid and handed Cameron her ice cream. She took it, and we started towards her apartment. Once we got there, I looked down at the ground. Cameron tapped my shoulder, and I looked up.
"Tonight was fun." She signed. "Wanna do it again next week?"
I smiled exclaiming "yes!", and I quickly raised my hands to speak to her.
"I would love to." I signed, and Cameron smiled.
"Bye Kelsey." She signed, and I hugged her.
I waved goodbye and turned around. I felt a hand on clasp around mine, and I quickly spun to look back at Cameron. She kissed my cheek with a blush, and I kissed her cheek back. I then waved goodbye again, feeling the back of my neck heat up.
I started my walk home thinking about Cameron's little kiss. Yeah, it wasn't much. Just a small peck on the cheek. I mean Tetya Wanda does that. But, for some reason, it was different with Cameron. I turned the corner to the tower, and I opened the front door. I walked into the little greeting area Dad set up for Stark Industries parties, meet and greets with the Avengers, and a receptionist desk for people who decided to waltz into the tower. Tina, the receptionist, was already home for the day, and I walked past her desk to the elevator. I pressed the up button and waited for the doors to open.
"Password?" I heard JARVIS's voice.
"Giggles." I said the little nickname Dad had used for me for as long as I can remember.
"Welcome home Ms.Kelsey. Your parents are in their room with Ms.Peggy. How was your date?" JARVIS asked, and I nodded.
"Pretty great. I'm getting better at sign language. Can you tell me where Vision is? I would like to thank him for his help." I informed.
"Mr.Vision is in his bedroom. Should I tell him you're coming?" JARVIS asked, and the elevator doors opened.
"Yes, please." I answered walking out of the elevator and down the hallway.

Peter's POV
I was walking through a dark hallway, my feet silently padding on the floor. I didn't really know where I was going. I was just letting my instincts take me where ever they wanted. I knew Ned was asleep in his bedroom, our Lego transformer half built. I didn't know why I couldn't sleep, and there was no one around that was awake.
I walked into Ned's living room. It contained a small brown couch with blue pillows, a little TV, and beanbag chairs. I felt my feet fall on a new, softer set of carpet underneath Ned's coffee table, and I smiled. I always thought it was funny how Ned's entire apartment was floored with carpet, besides the bathroom and tiny kitchen, but in each room Ned's family had a different colored rug. I looked down at my bare feet in the carpet, and I sighed crunching my toes. I then heard a loud bang, and I snapped my head up. I looked around the apartment trying to find the source of the noise. When I saw nothing, I looked back down at the carpet. The bang sounded again, this time closer, and I jumped up from the couch not remembering sitting down.
"Hello?" I called out into the darkness.
"Ned. If that's you I might have to send my personal assassins. You know I have three of them." I joked, and I heard the bang again.
This time it sounded closer, and my shoulders tensed.
"Ned I'm serious, stop." I said, and the bang sounded again.
I then heard a scream, and I took off running towards it. I didn't realize how big Ned's apartment was because it felt like I was running miles and getting nowhere. The bangs kept going followed by the screams.
I kept running trying to figure out what the hell the sounds were coming from. I then felt my feet hit cold ground, and I looked down to see gray concreate.
"What the..." I trailed off looking around.
I spotted several people in hospital beds each of them screaming in agony. I walked closer and with each step I there was a bang. I felt the hairs on my arms stand on end, and I looked around confused.
Behind you. I heard a voice, and I spun around.
I felt like my knees were going to collapse when I saw a man tied down in a hospital bed. However, this was not just any person. This was Wade.
I sprinted over to him, and I started pulling on the restraints. Then the bang happened, and Wade started to scream. I covered my ears afraid they would pop, and I looked around trying to find the source of Wade's pain. Wade stopped screaming, and I pulled at his restraints trying to set him free. The banging kept going, and Wade continued his screaming. I pulled harder with every scream, my eyes spilling with tears.
"Wade, I'm gonna save you I promise." I assured, really telling myself more than him.
"Peter!" Wade screamed, and I pulled harder.
Every time I pulled the restraints, they got heavier and more secure. There was then a final bang, and Wade screamed louder than he had before. When he silenced, the restraints were too hot to touch. I yelped letting go, and Wade's head rolled to the side. He wasn't breathing, and his eyes were glassed over. I felt my heart leap to my throat, and I slammed my hand over my mouth to hold in an ugly sob.
"You didn't save me." I heard a whisper of Wade's voice.
He started to chant it, the words getting louder and louder, and I covered my ears collasping to the ground.
"I tried." I cried, but Wade kept chanting.
"I tried!" I screamed, and then I jolted up.
"Peter are you okay?" Ned asked, and I felt his hand on my shoulder.
"What?" I asked slowly taking in my surroundings.
"Peter, are you okay?" Ned repeated, and I nodded.
"Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine. Just... a bad dream." I muttered, and Ned nodded.
"Okay." Ned glanced down at his watch and gasped.
"You're dads will get here in five minutes." He said, and I stood up.
"I'll get dressed." I said, and I picked up my bag.
I walked to Ned's bathroom, and I looked in the mirror. My forehead was glistening with sweat, and I was pale. I looked just like Dad did after an anxiety attack. I huffed picking up a little cup Ned had by his sink, and I filled it to the brim with water. I drank the whole glass in three gulps, and I sighed taking it from my lips. My color was slowly coming back, and I bent over to take out my clothes. I got dressed and left for Ned's bedroom. We continued building our transformer until there was a knock on the door.
"Hey, Pete. Ready to go?" I heard Dad's voice, and I stood up.
"Yeah." I called back, and I opened the door after grabbing my backpack.
"Hey Ned." Dad waved, and Ned waved back.
"Ready to go, Squirt?" He asked, and I nodded.
"Bye Ned." I said walking out of his bedroom.
"Bye Peter. See you at school." Ned waved, and I nodded heading out of the apartment.
"How was it?" Dad asked as we walked down the stairs.
"Great. We are almost done with Optimist Prime. Bubblebee is done." I said, and Dad nodded.
"That's great." He smiled, and I ran a hand through my hair.
"Yeah. We'll finish the rest of them in robotics class." I said, and Dad patted my back.
I sighed as we walked into the street, and I saw one of Dad's luxury cars parked in front of the building. I climbed inside next to Kelsey who was next to Peggy. Pop was in the passanger's seat, and he turned to look at me with a smile.
"Did you have fun with Ned, Buddy?" Pop asked, and I nodded.
"Yeah. It was great." I smiled, and Pop smiled back.
"Where are we going?" I wondered as Dad climbed in the car, and we started driving away from the tower.
"Coney Island baby!" Kelsey cheered. "Pop's got a mission, so he's gonna take us to Coney Island before we go."
I nodded my head, a small smile forming on my lips, and I looked out the window.

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