Chapter Forty-one

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Before we get started, I hope you all are enjoying my fanfiction! Now this might be a stupid question, but I was wondering if you think I should start a second one (same story, same characters) just in a different book because this one is already 43 chapters. Let me know what you think on that idea please!

Also, I do know that America Chavez's birthday is on the July 4th, but for the sake of my story pretend that it is around the events of Spider-man Homcoming. (Keep reading and you'll see why I said this.)

Thank you!!! I hope you enjoy the chapter! Love Ya! 

Tony's POV

"Mama!" Peggy cried as I picked up a wrench before she could grab it.

"You can't have the wrench, cutie." I said, smiling down at my youngest daughter, and she huffed.

"But!" She started to whine, and she placed her hands on top of the table she was sitting in front of.

She then stood up, on wobbly legs, and I felt like the world had stopped. Peggy was standing. My second daughter was standing for the first time. I rushed over to Peggy, just in case she would fall, and I scooped her up into my arms.

"Good job, Pegster!" I exclaimed, giving her a smacking kiss on the cheek.

"I'm so proud of you." I smiled, pulling her close to my chest, and I gently bounced her giving her soft kisses on the head.

"Papa is gonna be so proud of you." I muttered, into Peggy's blonde hair, and I sighed. 

Peggy then made a gulping sound, and I quickly removed her from my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" I asked, and Peggy made the gulping sound again.

"Shit." I muttered, and I quickly ran her to the bathroom I had down in the lab.

"Sir, Ms. and Mr. Rogers are home." JARVIS reported.

"Okay, Jay. Tell them where I am." I said quickly, placing Peggy down on my knee so she could vomit into the toilet. 

She threw up several times, and I sighed patting her back. Once Peggy finished she started to wail, and I sighed whipping her chin with a soft cloth. I held her close to my chest, and I gently bounced her up and down, kissing the side of her face.

"Shh, shh. I know it hurts, and it's weird." I whispered, and Peggy continued to cry into my shoulder.

"Dad?" I heard Peter knock on the door, and I opened it walking out.

"Hey kid, how was school today?" I asked.

"Better..." He murmured, and I sighed.

"What happened?" I asked, and Peter rubbed up and down his arm.

"I stayed with my science teacher all day. She said it was okay that I stayed in her room instead of going to class. I asked her not to call you." Peter muttered, and I sighed using my free arm to hug him.

"It's okay, Pete." I whispered, kissing his temple, and I smiled down at him.

"You don't have to go to school tomorrow if you don't want to. Or even the next day, or the next week. And if you wanna stay home instead of going to the party tonight, I am perfectly fine with that." I said, and Peter nodded slowly.

"Thanks Dad." He smiled up at me, and I smiled back.

"Now, I have to get your sister some medicine." I said, and Peter's eyes grew wide.

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