Chapter Nine

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Steve's POV

I woke up at 8:30, to the sound of the alarm clock.

    “I thought I turned that off.” I complained turning on my side, and hitting the off button.

I then turned over to Tony’s spot whispering, “Morning Tones.” I opened my eyes realizing that my husband was no longer there. I sighed and stood up, rubbing the back of my neck. I put on some beige sweatpants and a white t-shirt. Then I walked into my gym and started to punch at some bags. After about a hour I moved to lifting weights and doing sit-ups. I started to do push ups and then I saw Tony’s feet as he walked into the room.

    “Morning honey.” He whispered lying down and putting his head in between my arms.

“Hey Baby.” I said, doing half a push up, kissing him, and going back up.  He smiled and I did it five more times to make it 150 push ups.

“Want to work out with me?” I asked and Tony shrugged.

“Sure.” He then got on his butt, and held his knees up. I put my hands on his feet and he started to do sit ups. By number fifty he was starting to give up and every time he came up I started to lean in and kissed him.  He smiled and continued. After that he did one hundred push ups.

“Good job Love.” I said smiling. He leaned in and kissed me, and I pulled him into a standing position. I then turned and got two weights; one hundred pound and one 350.

I handed Tony the lighter one and he asked, “What’s next?”

“Lunges.” Tony nodded, and smirked probably thinking something dirty. I rolled my eyes and held the weight a arms length away from me. Tony did the same thing and I began to lunge across the gym. By the time I was done going back in forth four times Tony was just starting his second lap.

“You got this Tones.” I cheered and stopped his huffing to give me a dirty look and kept going.

“Why are you so fucking perfect, and strong?” He asked as he finished the last two lunges.  

“Tony, I am a super soldier. Old me would have done two lunges and then died of an fatigue, heart trouble, astma, and more.” I reminded.

Tony scoffed and then whined, “But I have weak legs!”  

“I am helping you with that!” I protested and Tony’s smirk returned.

“You are indeed, Captain.” He purred, moving slowly towards me.

“Tony what are you doing?” I asked, raising an eyebrow at my husband.

Tony snickered and whispered, “Making my legs stronger. I need endurance right?” He started to walk his fingers down my chest to my member, and I whimpered slightly.

“Steve I fuck you every night, and you still act like you have your virginity.” Tony said, and I blushed making Tony laugh even more. I looked at him and then his lips, and he smiled.

“You know you want it.” He said and then leaned in, so that our lips were centimeters apart.

“In here?” I asked, and Tony rolled his eyes.

“Don’t ask questions Captain Rogers.” He then kissed me passionately, and I wrapped my arms around his waist.

“How is this making you stronger, Darling?” I asked as he sucked on my neck.

“I told you not to ask questions, did I not?” He asked, and I nodded my head biting my lip. He put his lips back on my neck and grabbed onto my member, squeezing it hard. He pushed me up against the wall massaging my cock, and making sure his lips never left my neck. I pushed myself off of the wall making us run into the bench press. Tony tripped falling onto it, and pulled me down, with him, using my shirt. He tugged at my shirt as our tongues battled for dominance in each others mouths. I slipped my hands up Tony’s blue “Captain America is MY husband” shirt, and he pulled it off. He then attempted to pull of my, basic white shirt, loosing his balance and making us fall on the ground. I slammed my head on the wooden floor as Tony’s chin collided with my chest.

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