Chapter Twenty-nine

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Peter's POV

"What if it doesn't work?" I whisper-yelled through my phone at Ned.
"Pete it is gonna be fine. Nothing is going to happen to Wade. He will be gone for like a week, and when he comes back, you can throw him a party or something!" Ned reassured, and I huffed crashing on my bed.
"But Ned, what if something goes terribly wrong, and he..." I trialed off not sure how to finish the sentence.
"Peter breath, okay? Here are you busy today?" Ned asked, and I shrugged sitting up.
"I dunno. I'll ask my Pop." I said hopping off the bed.
I then ran to my parents room, and I swung the door open. Pop was sitting on the bed holding Peggy over him. He was saying things to her in a high pitched voice that I couldn't really understand.
"Hey Pop?"I asked, and Pop sat up.
"What's up Slugger?" He asked.
"Oh nothing much, I was just wondering if I can go over to Ned's?" I asked pointing out the door with my thumb.
"Yeah? I think you can. What're you boys gonna do?" He asked trying to keep Peggy out from underneath his shirt.
"Um," I then put the phone to my ear, and I cleared my throart. "What're we gonna do Ned?" I asked.
"Laser tag." Ned said as though it were obvious. "We should bring your Uncle Clint!"
"Laser tag with Uncle Clint." I told Pop, and he nodded.
"Sounds fun. Your Uncle is down stairs." He smiled, and I nodded.
"Have fun Pete!" Pop called after me, and I quickly ran in the room hugging Pop and kissing Peggy's head.
"Love you Pop." I smiled.
"Love you too Buddy." He smiled back.
I then ran out of the room and down stairs. I saw Uncle Clint playing vedio games with Auntie Nat and Uncle Bucky.
"You little shit! Barton, I'm pregnant!" Auntie Nat hissed.
"Language." I teased, and Nat looked over at me.
"Hey my little Spider." She smiled, and I waved.
"Uncle Clint, I was wondering if you could take Ned and I to laser tag." I said, and Uncle Clint let out a sigh of relief.
"Thank you Peter." He said, and he kissed the top of my head with a loud smack.
"I have been waiting for someone to help me escape the pregnant Russian." He said, and Auntie Nat threw a pillow at Uncle Clint.
"Jerk." She hissed, and Clint smirked at me.
"Don't worry Beautiful, it gives me time to talk to my little baby." Uncle Bucky said placing his head underneath Nat's baby bump.
"Fine by me." Nat said kissing her boyfriend.
I then told Ned that Uncle Clint and I were coming, and I asked if Kelsey could come. When Ned said yes, I got her from upstairs, and we went to get Ned.
Once we arrived at the laser tag place, Uncle Clint paid for our tickets. We joined the red team, and I saw Betty a.k.a Ned's crush.
"Ned look!" Kelsey said way to loud.
"Kelsey!" I hissed, and Ned looked over at Betty his face turning white.
"Ned? Is that you?" She gasped, and she started walking over.
"Oh no, what do I do?" He asked.
"Who is that?" Uncle Clint asked.
"Nobody!" Kelsey, Ned, and I said at the same time.
"Hey, Ned." Betty said, and Ned started to blush.
"Hiya Betty." Ned said, and Uncle Clint scoffed.
"Nobody my ass." He said crossing his arms, and a man dressed in a glowing green shirt walked into the room.
"Hello everybody!  Welcome to Laser Rama!" The man boomed. "I am Johnny, and I'm here to tell you the rules." Johnny said clapping his hands together.
"Who is this?" Betty asked looking up at Uncle Clint.
"My uncle." Kelsey said, and Uncle Clint held out his hand.
"Are you a super hero too?" She asked shaking his hand.
"Yeah. I'm Hawkeye." He said with a smile, and Betty furrowed her eyebrows.
"Who?" She asked, and Uncle Clint's mouth dropped open.
"It's okay Uncle Clint." Kelsey said patting his back.
"But, why does she not know me?" He asked, and Kelsey tried not to snicker.
"I don't know, I think your cool." I said, and Uncle Clint patted my back.
"I'm glad you care kid." He smiled, and Betty gasped.
"You're the arrow guy!" She exclaimed, and Clint's face fell more.
"Yeah, I'm the fucking arrow guy. Why did I agree to come with you kids?" He asked.
"Aunt Tasha." Kelsey said, and Clint laughed.
"You kids know me well." He said, and the buzzer buzzed.
"That's it guys! Have fun out there!" Johnny said, and he headed out of the room.
Our guns then glowed to light, and I smirked at Kelsey.
"Good luck." I smiled, and she scoffed.
"Don't need it, Spider-boy." She teased, and I rolled my eyes.
The second buzzer went off signaling the beginning of the game. I took cover behind a large foam boulder, and I peaked out from behind it to see someone get shot. I then heard someone whisper "behind you", and I turned around blasting someone in a blinking, blue vest. I then ran over to this small latter thingy, and I hid behind it shooting two people. I then heard someone else get shot, and I saw Kelsey sprint away from her hiding spot. I then heard the same voice say "run", and I started to run from my hiding spot. I got behind a large piece cardboard, and I crouched down. I then heard the voice one more time say "left", and I quickly shot a short girl that was at my left. The buzzer then went off signaling the end of the game, and I stood up. I looked down at the score that popped up on the screen of my gun, and I saw that I shot a lot of people.
"Good job, sharp shooter." Uncle Clint said behind me, and I turned around with a smile.
"Not really." I said, and Uncle Clint nodded.
"It's like you knew when people were coming." Kelsey said, running over to us, and I shook my head as Ned made his way over.
"See that was fun? Did it get your mind off of things?" Ned asked.
"Yeah, but you just brought it back." I hissed, and Ned whispered an apology.
"Brought what back?" Unlce Clint asked.
"Wade's treatment." I said, and Clint huffed.
"Well how does Ice Cream sound?" Uncle Clint asked.
"Great." Kelsey pipped in, and I smiled at her.
"Good." I said, and Uncle Clint took us to get ice cream before taking Ned home.
"Hey Donut. How was laser tag Giggles?" Dad asked.
"Fun." Kelsey answered, kissing Peggy's head as she sat down next to Dad.
"Good. Are you ready for tonight Peter?" Pop asked walking into the room.
"Oh right. That's tonight!" I gasped, and I sprinted upstairs.
I grabbed the card and flowers for Wade that Dad bought yesterday , and I ran back down stairs. I then smiled at my family, and we all got into the car.
Dad drove to the hospital, and I looked out the window.
"Hey Pete, it's gonna be okay." Kelsey said, and I nodded running my hand down my face.
"I just don't wanna lose him." I whispered.
"Don't worry Peter. We're here for you." Pop said, and I nodded.
"Thanks Pop."
"Sure thing Buddy." Pop smiled through the mirror.
We then pulled into the hospital's parking lot, and we all got out of the car. Dad took Peggy out of her car seat and got her pills, dipers, and toys. Pop took the bag, and Kelsey offered to help.
"It's okay Cookie." Pop said.
We then all walked into the hospital, and we headed to Wade's room. I knocked on the door getting no answer and assumed he was asleep. I opened the door hoping to see him, but he wasn't there.
"We're in the right room, right?" Dad asked, and I hurried over to the door to check if it was room 13.
The silver numbers hung on the door loosely. I looked back at the deserted bed, and I ran my hand through my hair. I walked over to the bed holding the flowers, and I looked down at it.
"I'll go ask where he is." Dad said, and he walked out.
"What happened? What if he got taken? Or if he died?" I yelled starting to panic.
"Peter, he's not dead." Kelsey said, and I shook my head.
"Slugger, it's okay. Maybe they took him early. It could be a good thing." Pop tried to sooth walking over to me, and I stuffed my hands in my hair.
"But," I whimpered, and Pop wrapped his arms around me.
"It's okay, Pete." He whispered, and I nodded.
Dad then walked in, and I looked up at him bitting my lip.
"Hey Pete, they said he was already taken." Dad said patting my shoulder.
"What?" I asked, hearing my voice crack.
"Oh Peter. Hey, don't cry." Dad said sitting next to me, and wrapped his free arm around me.
"Don't cry! Wade's my friend!" I cried, and I felt a sob crawling up my throat.
I tried to keep it down, my lip quivering, and Dad hugged me. Kelsey bent down in front of me and took my hand.
"Peter he's gonna be okay. He is getting better." Pop reassured, and I shook my head.
"No! That's not the point! I was supposed to see him tonight, and give him flowers, and kiss him goodbye!" I sobbed, and I slammed my hand over my mouth.
"Kiss?" Dad asked, and I looked at Kelsey in front of me who was smiling.
"Peter is there something you haven't told us?" Pop asked, and I sobbed again.
"Kill me okay! Yell at me all you want! I like Wade! I kissed him! But now I can't Pop! I can't because they took him to early!" I cried, and Pop gasped.
"No, no, no. Peter we aren't mad. Don't worry Buddy." Pop said.
"Donut we love you, and you're fifteen now. Hell I was having sex by then." Dad started.
"Tony!" Pop scolded.
"Let me finish." Dad complained. "Peter we are so, so sorry that you didn't get to say goodbye to Wade. But remember what your Pop said. Wade's getting better, and he will be over soon. Don't worry." Dad said rubbing my back.
"Thanks." I whispered leaning into Pop.
"Of course Buddy." Pop said, and I sighed.
Kelsey squeezed my hand, and I smiled at her. Peggy then started to fuss, and we all looked up at Dad. He stood up and started bouncing Peggy.
"Shhhh." He cooed bouncing the baby, and I sat up.
"Hey, hey Mama's here." Dad said, and I still think that's weird that Peggy calls Dad Mama, but then again Dad did give birth to her. And that is a sentence I never thought I'd say.
"Oh you stink." Dad said holding Peggy away from him. "I'll be back." He said, and he walked out of the room.
"Let's go get dinner." Pop suggested, and I nodded.
"Can we get pizza?" I asked knowing it was Wade's favorite.
"Of course." Pop smiled, and Kelsey pumped her fist.
"I love pizza." She sang, and I rolled my eyes standing up.
"Hey Peter? Are you okay?" Pop asked, and I looked over at him.
"He's gonna come back." I said nodding, and Pop ran his fingers through my hair.
"Yeah he is." Pop smiled, and he kissed my head.
I sighed, and Kelsey gave me a quick hug before we walked out to meet Dad in the lobby.

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