Chapter Seventeen

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Tony's POV

    I was asleep in Steve's arm perfectly happy when I had the sudden urge to throw up. I abruptly stood up and ran as fast as I could towards the bathroom. When I threw up I completely missed the toilet and it spread across Steve and I’s pearly white tile. I felt the disgusting liquid climbing up my throat once more and I snapped my head towards the bathtub. Steve sleepily walked into the room rubbing his eyes, and the vomit escaped my throat again.

    “What’s wrong Baby?” Steve asked squatting down besides me and I threw up once more.

    “Jarvis do a scan!” I ordered, before vomiting again.

    “Sir, I am very sorry I appear to be broken.” Jarvis said and I furrowed my brows before I puked again.

    “I have note that you are...pregnant.” The polite AI infomed and I just about fainted.

    “I-i can’t be, run another test.” I demanded, and looked at Steve who was staring at the shower wall, eyes wide, face drained of color.

    “Don’t worry Stebe, I can’t be pregnant. I am of the male species, I have no uterus.” I reassured rubbing the blonde’s soft hair.

Steve continued to stare at the wall breathing heavily, as Jarvis reported, “Sir… I am getting the same results.” I held my breath and Jarvis responded, “If I may suggest, I would go talk to Dr.Banner.” I nodded shakily and put my hand gently on Steve’s leg, before I barfed into the toilet for the fifth time.

“I can’t be pregnant right?” I asked, looking down at my hand that was resting on his leg. Steve was supposed to be the ultimate man, could he possibly have knocked me up?

“Maybe, I don’t know.” Steve whispered.

    No no no, Steve! You were not supposed to fucking say that. You were supposed to laugh at my stupidity and tell me that it’s not possible! God you better be joking. Damn your funny. I thought.

A nervous laugh escaped me and I said, “Honey, you may be old but you’re funny.”

Steve then  looked at me with complete honesty and shook his head, causing the smile on my face to drop. I abruptly stood up causing me, to throw up again and grabbed Steve’s hand stomping out of our room. Peter stood, sleepily in a red and white onesie that read “Older bro” on it, in front of his door rubbing his eyes.

“Pop, Daddy?” He asked, rubbing his brown hair out of his face.

“Don’t worry, Buddy, just heading to Uncle Bruce’s floor.” Steve told our son. Kelsey then walked out of her room in her, pink version of Iron Man, onesie, her purple heart shining from the original reactors spot.  

“What’s happening?” She asked, moving her brown hair on her left shoulder.

“Going to your Uncle’s.” I hissed and walked into the elevator. I brushed off my shirt, and  rubbed my eyes. I then had a weird thought that I might not have boxers on, and tugged up my shirt checking if I did. I sighed seeing the Captain America shields, and Steve looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

I put my shirt down and Kelsey, asked “What does your shirt say?”

I practically jumped ten feet in the air not realizing that the kids were in here. I grabbed Steve’s shoulder, letting out a large breath and he smiled down at me. I glanced back down at the shirt, and I realized it was one of Steve’s old ones.

“Er… It says…”  I muttered looking at the shirt, and Steve glanced down with me seeing the yellow letters on the navy shirt.

“World War Two Veteran.” I then looked at Steve and raised an eyebrow.

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