Chapter Thrity-six

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Steve's POV
   "Here you are Captain Rogers." A SHIELD agent smiled at me handing me my disguise.
  I smiled and nodded my head to give a silent thank you. I walked over the the small bathroom on the jet and ducked my head to get through the door. I pulled off my suit, and I buttoned the yellow, plaid, short-sleeved shirt over my broad shoulders. I pulled the black pants up my legs, and I tucked the shirt into them. I pushed the fake, black-framed glasses up my nose with my index finger, and I styled my hair, so that it would fold over to the side. I smiled at myself in the mirror before bending down and slipping the black converse I was given on my feet. I walked out of the bathroom to see a small LED sign reading that we would be landing soon. I sat down glancing at the picture of Amélie Bisset quickly, so I could memorize what she looked like. She had sharp cheek bones and pale skin. Her dark brown eyes sparkled behind her small, boxy glasses, and her dark brown hair went past her hips. Tony was right, she wasn't bad looking, but Tony was wrong about one thing: He was much better.
   I heard a beeping, and I looked at the LED sign to see that we were landing. I buckled myself in as the plane began its decent. My shoulders joleted slightly as the wheeles of the jet hit the ground. Once the LED sign told me we had landed, I unbuckled myself and stood up. I walked out of the plane seeing I was in the middle of a deserted feild with no sign of civilization anywhere. I walked down the plane's ramp, and I sent Tony a quick text to tell him I landed and that I would try to call him the next day. I heard the beeping of a car horn, and I looked up to see a blue Alpine A110 drive up to me. A man with light green eyes hopped out of the car, and I saw the familiar SHIELD logo on the right side of his chest. I nodded a greeting as he silently handed me the keys to the car, and I put my luggage in the back.
   "Good luck on your mission Captain Rogers." The green-eyed-man said, and I smiled.
   "Thank you." I then climbed into the driver's seat of the car, and I put the keys in ignition.
   The car revved to life, and I pulled onto the French, dirt road. It took me two hours to get to Paris, and when I got there, rain was pouring from the sky. I pulled into a large parking lot by a resturant named "In bocca al lupo", and I put a leather jacket over my shoulders. I climbed out of the car, tucking my phone into my back pocket. I walked onto the Paris street, and I ran into the French resturant.
   In the case file I was told that Amélie would be here tonight. I scanned the room for her face, and I spotted her at an empty table in the back of the resturant. I looked down at my watch seeing that it was 7:00 PM, the exact time I was supposed the meet Amélie for a "date". I walked over to her, and she looked up at me with a smirk.
   "Bonjour." I smiled holding out my hand, and her red lips spread into a smile.
   "Bonjour." She said back, and we shook hands.
   "You must be Steffen." She smiled, and I nodded.
   "Yeah. I'm Steffen." I agreed, and I sat down across from her.
   "It's nice to meet you." She said, and I nodded.
   "It is nice to meet you too. You are just like I imagined." I said, turning on what Tony calls my "Golden Boy Charm".
   "Is that a good thing?" Amélie asked, and I nodded.
   "Very good thing." I smiled, and Amélie's cheeks dusted a light pink.
   "I hope it is okay that I ordered my drink already." Amélie said taking a sip of her Soixante Quinze.
   "It's fine." I assured, and Amélie smiled.
   "How was your trip here? I hear you are from the America's." Amélie said.
   "Great." I answered, and Amélie pushed a strand of hair behind her ear that was decorated with five piercings.
   "So, Steffen how do you know my friend Charlotte?" Amélie asked.
   "We met on the subway at my home town in Brooklyn. We got to talking, and I told her about how I'm was moving to France for work, and she said she was from there. We talked about France a little, and she then asked me if I was single because she had the perfect girl for me." I smiled. "What about you?"
   "I met Charlotte at my job." Amélie said, and I nodded.
   "What do you do for a living." I asked as a waitress brought me a glass of water.
   "I'm a nuclear physicist." Amélie answered, and I gasped.
   "Me too." I exclaimed, and Amélie's lips twitched in a smile.
   "Really?" She asked, and I nodded going over everything I learned about nuclear physics in my head.
   "Well than we are going to have a lot to talk about." She smiled, and I nodded.
   We contiuned talking through the night about nuclear physics, France, America, Brooklyn, Paris. When she asked me about family, I told her I was an only child from Brooklyn. I told her about my mother being a nurse before passing away, and how my father died in action. I told her about my history with war, of course not about World War II, but instead I modernized my experience. I asked her about her job, and she told me what she worked on without giving out the classified information that I was soon learn. She asked about past lovers, and I told her that I had a girlfriend in high school named Tina. And, yeah I know. Steffen and Tina kinda stupid and obvious, but Amélie believed it all. I must have been a better lair than Natasha thought.
   Amélie and I ordered our meals, and she asked me if I wanted to split a desert. I agreed, feeling my heart ache for doing something kinda romantic with someone that was not my husband. At the end of the night Amélie and I went our seperate ways. I drove back to my hotel room, and the moment I entered the room, I crashed onto the bed face first. I was probably the worst husband ever, but there was a reason I was doing this. I needed to keep the kids safe, and it was my job to keep the world safe.
   The next morning I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I slammed my hand on top of the beeping machine, and I walked over to the dresser that the hotel had. I pulled open the first drawer, and I took out a dark and light blue plaid shirt, like the yellow one yesterday, and I tucked it into dark blue jeans. I put my glasses on my face again, and I brushed my teeth. I went out for breakfast before heading to the HYDRA base.
   I was posing as a nuclear physicist to help with Amélie's bomb. Fury thought that if I worked with her and was dating her then I would be able to put a stop to the bombings quicker.
   I walked into the small bakery that Fury had told me was the HYDRA base. It reminded me of the antique shop where I got my super soldier serum, and I couldn't help my smile. I noticed a man dressed in a all black walk out from behind the counter, and he raised an eyebrow.
   "Comment puis-je vous aider?" (How may I help you?) He asked.
   "Gegrüßet seist du HYDRA." (Hail HYDRA.) I said, mentally cringing at what just came out of my mouth.
   The man's mouth tiwsted into a toothless smile, and he lead me to a back room. He pressed a button on the side of the door, and two elevator doors closed in front of me. The elevator took me underground, and when the doors opened again, I was in a dark, black hallway. I stepped out of the elevator, and I headed down the long hallway not sure where to go. I saw a door to my right after walking a few feet. I slowly opened it, ready to knock out anyone who tried to hurt me. Inside was a longer hallway, but this one had lights. A fat man walked out of a room towards the front of the hall by me, and he and I made eye contact.
   "Who are you?" He asked in a thick German accent.
   "Steffen Wilson." I said, and the man smiled.
   "Your the new Nuclear Physicts, yeah?" The man asked, and I nodded.
   "Yes Sir." I smiled, and the man walked over to me.
   "I'm Hans Kaiser." He said holding his hand out.
   I shook Kaiser's hand, and he looked down at the breif case I had with papers on nuclear physics inside.
   "So, Steffen, you are from America?" Kaiser asked, and I looked up.
   "Yes, I am." I said, and Kaiser nodded.
   "My other nuclear physicist is waiting to meet you." He said, and I nodded as he stopped at a door.
   He then opened the door and inside I saw Amélie Bisset. I gasped, pretending to be shocked, and Amélie looked up at me with wide eyes.
   "Steffen?" She gasped, and I smiled walking in the room.
   "So, you work for HYDRA too?" I said, and Amélie shrugged.
   "You caught me. I never expected you to work here, though." She said.
   "It's good money." I lied, and Amélie giggled.
   "You're not wrong." She smiled.
   "Put your stuff down, and I can start showing you the bomb and maybe you can put in some ideas, d'accord?" She asked, and I nodded.
   "Sounds great."
   I looked around the large lab that reminded me a little of Tony's. There were bomb shells scattered across almost every surface, and I saw blue prints laid out everywhere else. There was only one empty table, and I walked over to it placing my stuff down. I opened my breif case and started pulling out papers that SHIELD had given to me, and I looked at them on the plane ride to France. Amélie walked over to me, twisting her hair up in a tight bun, and she placed one of her hands down by mine standing behind me. I took in a tight breath, forcing a smile as I looked down at her as she sorted through all my papers.
   "Wow, Steffen. You are a lot smarter than your impression gave last night." Amélie giggled, and I let out a strained laugh.
   "I'm just joking. But your papers, and veiws, are very interesting." She said lifting up a paper Fury forced Tony to make, and me rewrite so that it was in my hand writting.
   "You are pretty close to genuis." Amélie gapped, and I swallowed hard hoping my brain could remember everything on the page.
   The serum had improved my memory tremendously, and I was always good at reciting, but I still got nervous.
   "The way the protons and neutrons conjugate in this so that they create a bigger discharge is amazing." Amélie marveled, and I nodded rushing to her side to see what she was talking about.
   I started explaining how the bomb worked as best as I could, feeling stupid everytime I looked up to try and remember what Tony had said that one time or what the online sight had told me. Amélie hung onto every word, and when she started writting things down I felt a pang of guilt spread throughout my chest. I was Captain America giving a HYDRA agent ideas of how to blow up my family. Good going Rogers!

I hope this chapter kinda told you guys what Steve is doing in his seceret misson thingy.
Thank you so much for reading my story! I love reading your comments, and I love you!

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