Chapter Forty-two

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 Tony’s POV

Steve had an arm wrapped around the woman's waist, and he was wearing a white button up that was opened enough on the top that I could see his sunkissed collar bones. I gulped, trying not to be so awkward, but my brain was freaking out.

Here was my husband, who I hadn't seen in months, dressed in perfectly tailored pants and a tight shirt, with his arms wrapped around a skinny woman's waist, and he has a beard. Steve with a beard was hot. 

I wanted to jump on him and hug him tightly because I missed him so fucking much. I wanted to kiss him, until our lips were numb and swollen. I wanted him to hold me close to his chest, so I could hear the sound of his heart beat. I wanted him to talk to me, so that I could rehear his soft voice in person instead of through a receiver. 

Then I remembered that Steve was on a mission. The only reason he was here, is because he is trying to prevent the woman, who is currently leaving lipstick marks on his bearded chin, from blowing up Stark Expo.

"Hello." Amélie -I think that was her name- greeted, and I nodded my head, gulping down the rest of my scotch.

"Hello, beautiful. Tony Rogers." I winked at her, and she smiled with a slight giggle.

"I've always wanted to meet you Mr.Rogers." She smiled at me, and the way she said Rogers made me feel like she was mocking me.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, and I flicked my eyes up to Steve's.

"Steffen Wilson." He introduced, and I smirked taking his hands in mine.

His hand was just as soft as I remembered, not like we were gone from each other for long, and I had to suppress a whimper when his hand slide from mine.

"This is a great party." Amélie said, and I nodded.

"Stark Parties are always amazing." I smirked at her, and she smiled.

"Well the dancing looks like fun. What do you say Steffen?" Amélie asked, and Steve smiled looking out in the room.

"May I have this dance?" He asked Amélie softly, and I forced my smile to not falter.

"Of course, mon amour." She batted her eyelashes, and Steve took her hand leading her to the middle of the ballroom.

"Of course, mon amour." I mutter under my breath, in a mockery of her voice, and I turned around in my barstool.

"I need alcohol." I ordered, and the bartender re-filled my glass.

I picked it up, and I wandered over to Bucky and Natasha who were saying to the music in the corner of the room, sharing soft kisses every few minutes. I looked around for Kesley and Peter to see them standing over by President Chavez. Natasha rolled her eyes, flicking Bucky between his eyes after he whispered something to her, and they both laughed before sharing another kiss. Natasha laid her head on Bucky’s chest, and her eyes closed for a moment. I cleared my throat, and Nat’s eyes flicked open. Bucky looked down at me, and I looked behind me.

"You know Steve looks great with a beard. I wonder what it would look like with sick Steve and a beard?" I said to Bucky, as nonchalantly as I could, and Bucky understood what I was saying right away.

"Yeah." He said slowly, once he spotted Steve spinning Amélie fucking Bisset -I wasn't jealous.

Natasha lifted her head from Bucky's chest and spotted Steve and Amélie. Natasha looked around the room, and she sighed once she spotted America, Kelsey, and Peter over by the bar. 

"I think I need a margarita." She murmured, and she walked over towards my children and the president.

"Do you know they're doing here?" Bucky asked, keeping his voice low.

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